Captured and Tortured

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*TW abuse/Torture
I have just woken up on the floor with a really bad headache. I look around me and start to remember what had happened. I am startled when I hear a voice say "they are awake, bring strucker" I am confused as to why he said they but I look ahead of me and see a broken Wanda. A few moments later, Strucker comes in with a smirk. "Well, well, well" he says "it was a big mistake to try and arrest me. You will now be punished for your crimes." I blurted out "you psycho bastard you will pay for this when the rest of the team comes and rescues us." "Oh darling, you will get extra punishment for that comment" he says in a mocking tone as I just fall to the floor because I am too weak to stand. Out the corner of my eye I saw Wanda barley staying awake with how weak she is. A couple of minutes later that take me out of my cell and lead me to a dim lit room with a chair in the middle. I then had my top taken off so I was just in my bra and I was made to sit down and have my hands chained to the chair. Some hydra workers came in and attached patches to me which with wires were attached to a machine. A sponge was placed in my mouth and Strucker ordered " do it half way." The workers did what they were told and they counted down from 3. After they said one I was hit with what felt like a million bolts of lighting. I screamed out in pain from the shock and I just felt so weak in that moment like I had lost everything. As I looked up I have just noticed Wanda had been forced to watch me being tortured and in her eyes I could tell she was petrified. After a couple of minutes, I had been shocked a few more times and each time I let out a tiny Yelp because I was to weak to say anything else. Next it was Wanda's turn. I was forced to watch one of my new friends get hurt repeatedly and the worse thing was I could do nothing about it. Before I knew it we were both in the 'torture room' and the next punishment was whips. We were both whipped over and over again until we could barley keep our eyes open as we were on the verge of passing out. Finally, we were lead back to our cells for the night. Strucker made one last announcement "another punishment you will have is we will starve you until you di... and then I passed out.

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