The proposal

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Natasha POV
It has been exactly 6 months since me and Y/N got together. I am planning this huge surprise proposal because even though it hasn't been that long I know she is the one for me forever. I am planning to take her to a very fancy restaurant and then we go to the same field where our first date was and that's where I will propose. I have got has this beautiful blue diamond ring and I know she'll love it because blue is her favourite colour.

 I have got has this beautiful blue diamond ring and I know she'll love it because blue is her favourite colour

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The ring

I'm just making her breakfast in bed for the anniversary. I have got her a card and some flowers just to show how much I love her. " happy six month anniversary babe, I made you your favourite breakfast and I bought you a card and flowers." I say to her. " awww  Thanks babe I really appreciate this, happy six months to you too and I also brought you a little something" she hands me a card and A little box with a necklace inside that said I love you till infinity. "That's so sweet Y/N, thank you so much. I am going to take you out tonight so be ready for 7pm sharp. Okay?" "Yep" she replies. I get into bed with her and we just chat about the last 6 months.
6:45 pm
I'm just doing the on the final touches of my outfit and doing my make up and hair. I'm very excited for this evening as I don't know where Nat is taking me but all she said is Dress up. I have curled my hair and done natural makeup. I am in a tight fitting black dress with some black heels. I'm almost finished when I hear Nat come open asking "are you ready?" I reply " Yep I am all ready babe for you to take me on our mystery date." We both laugh as we make our way don't stairs. "Have a nice time on your date guys." I hear Tony shout from the workshop. We both reply "we will" as we head out of the door. I see a black limousine waiting for us outside and as we approach Nat opens the door for me and I get in the limo. As we approach our destination I look at the restaurant we are at and it is probably the fanciest restaurant I've ever seen. We got out of the limo and when we walk inside it looks very posh in there. I was starting to get really excited as I've never been to the sort of place before. When we sit down we are given a complimentary glass of champagne. God this place must be fancy to have a free glass of champagne. "Cheers, to 6 months of being together. Thank you for letting you be mine. I love you so much and I can't wait to see what the future holds." I say. "Cheers to that." I am having bacon wrapped scallops because they sounded amazing and Nat is having salmon. When it arrived it tasted amazing. The scallops were cooked to perfection and so was Nat's salmon. When we had both finished our meal, Nat said we have 1 more stop to make and that will be dessert. We grab the bill and Nat insists on paying and we go back out to the limo. After about 30 minutes of just chatting to her about how much better I am with food now we arrive at a field and I recognise it immediately. "Nat" I say "this is the field we came to on our first date." "It is indeed, now come on I have something special planned for us." Then she winks at me. She grabs a basket out of the boot and we start walking until the exact point where we were on our first date. She sets out a blanket and we both sit on it and from the basket she pulls out my favourite dessert which is chocolate cake. "Aww thanks Nat I really appreciate this" I start to dig in and when I am all finished I put the plate to one side and I see Nat stand up. "Right Y/N I knew from the moment I met you I wanted to do this but I have had to wait for the right time. Y/N since you came into my life I have changed. I used to be emotionless because of my time in the red room but when I first met you I felt love again. And when I first opened that door I felt a connection. Y/N you are kind, beautiful and such an amazing girlfriend so Y/N will you marry me?" I am speechless for a moment before I say "Yes Nat of course." She puts the ring on my finger and I put hers on her finger. I pull her into a passionate kiss and when we pull away I scream "OMG I'm engaged I'm so happy. I will tell everyone when we get back. Thank you Nat so much for this night, I can now call you my fiancé." Nat just laughs and hugs me saying " you are welcome my fiancé."

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