The recovery

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Natasha POV
we have just arrived home from the hydra base with Y/N and Wanda. We help carry them off the jet into Bruce's lab where he immediately starts to run tests and checks their condition. Thankfully, they are both awake now and now that they have had there tests they can both get changed out of their blood-soaked clothes. Bruce says though "Straight after you have got changed come back down to the lab as you are both so weak still you need so help." I help Y/N up to her room as she can still not stand on her own and I help her get changed. After she has changed we sit down one the edge of her bed and i kiss her gently on the lips but as we pull away, I notice that Y/N is really distant and fidgety. I tell her "Hey it's okay, you don't have to tell me what happened while you were there but I just want you to know I am always here to talk. I missed you so much while you had been kidnapped I never stopped thinking about you and what horrible things he might have done to you." I start to break down into tears. I hear Y/N say " It's ok Nat, it's just what happened down there has really scarred me and I am so jumpy with everything and I never stopped thinking about you either. All I wanted to do was run into your arms, hug you and kiss you and to be honest you got me through that whole kidnap. Knowing that some day you will come and rescue me and Wanda and I would get to see you again. Y/N is now crying as well. I pull her into a hug but she flinches a bit from the touch on her back. We were hugging until Bruce yelled up "come on Y/N I need to check you over still." I support Y/N while we make our way downstairs.
Nat helps me down the stairs back to Bruce's lab so he can just check over me and Wanda. When we get down there he asks us when the last time we had food was and we both replied "a week ago" everyone just looks at us shocked so Nat immediately starts to make us both sandwich's but I start to get flashbacks of when they were punching me saying I was fat and ugly. Me and Wanda ate the sandwich we were made and I said I needed the bathroom. Nat helped me walk to the bathroom and I said i will call you when I am finished. When I locked the door, I put on the tap to drown out the noise and I stuffed my fingers down my throat. After about 10 seconds I stated to throw up and after I was finished I washed my mouth out and turned the tap off. I started to silently cry because I have just realised what I have done. I dry my eyes, and look in the mirror to make sure my eyes aren't puffy so no one suspects I've been crying. I unlock bathroom door and I call Nat back to where I am and she helps me back to Bruce's lab. "Right," he says "you two have a lot of bruises on your back and scars. It will probably be about a week until you can both walk on your own again as long as you rest and you will start to feel better in a few days if you take your medication. That is all I need, you can go now." Me and Wanda both thank Bruce and we leave the room with the help of Nat and Vision. Nat takes me to my room for some rest and when she lies me down in bed, she gets round the other side and get into bed and cuddles me. In her arms I fall asleep almost instantly thinking about the last week but I shake those thoughts from my head as I am now with Nat in my own bed. I wake up in a sweat and heavy breathing. I was having flashbacks from the previous week. I must if woke Nat up as I heard her say " hey shhhh it's ok it was only a dream you are safe here now" "I'm sorry I woke you Nat, I was having flashbacks from the last week." I broke down crying "shhhhh your safe with me now in your own bed shhhh it's okay Y/N, try and lay down with me again." Nat and me slowly stated to lay down again and after a few minutes I was sleeping.

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