Meeting Casey

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Omg it's finally the day where I get to see my sister after 6 and a half months. I can't wait for her to meet everyone especially Nat. Her plane should arrive at the airport in 1 hour so me and Nat are leaving to go pick her up now. "Goodbye everyone see you in a couple of hours." I said with a lot of excitement in my voice. Me and Nat got into the Range Rover and headed for the airport. When I was driving Nat started to bite her nails which I know she only does when she is nervous. "Babe what's up I can tell you are nervous." "Well Casey is the first family member of yours I have met and I just want her to like me." She says a bit distracted. "Aww babe she will love you I know she will." I grab her hand and give it a little squeeze and then I return my attention back to driving. We arrive at the airport about 5 minutes before her flight is supposed to land. We went to the arrival section of the airport with some flowers to welcome her. I start to see some people come down from the escalator and amongst the crowd I see Casey. When she gets to the bottom, I immediately run into her arms and give her the biggest hug ever. "Casey I'm so happy you are finally here" I say with a big grin. "So am I!!" She replies. We walk over to Nat at Casey introduces herself. "Hi I'm Casey you must be the amazing Nat I have heard a lot about." She giggles while saying it. "Nat opens up her seams for a hug and she almost shouted " God you two are identical. Oops didn't mean to say that out loud. I meant to say yes I am Nat and it's so nice to meet you too." Me and Casey laughed while Nat went a bit red. I carried Casey's bag to the car and we got in and headed home. We had some music playing until Casey started to talk. "So how did your whole engagement happen then?" "Well me and Nat went out for our 6 month anniversary and we went to a really nice restaurant. Afterwards, she took me to the field we went to on out first date and that is where she proposed. She also said a really nice speech about me and how much we love eachother." I replied, smiling back as the memories come flashing back. " aww you guys are just too cute. I can't wait to be your maid of honour." After Casey says that Nat turns around and gives her a big smile. We are almost there when Casey realises she is actually going to meet the avengers. "Omg I'm going to meet the Tony stark." "Hey am I not good enough I am an avenger as well." I then burst out laughing and I think Nat likes to see me interact with Casey. We pull into the driveway of the compound and I help Casey get her stuff out of the car. When we walk in there are balloons and a banner saying 'Welcome Casey.' She is speechless. Everyone was standing in the foyer. Everyone came and introduced themselves and on the table was freshly cooked spaghetti Bolognese. We all sat down to eat and I was in the middle of Nat and Casey. Everyone was just asking her questions about what she does now and how Los Angeles is. I could see how excited she is and I am so happy to see her. After dinner, Tony and Steve started to get the alcohol out and everyone start to get a little drunk. Casey was spending a lot of time with Steve and I could tell she fancied him. "Right let's play a game of seven minutes in heaven." Tony said. Everyone agreed and we put a bottle in the middle of our circle too decide who would go with who. Bruce span first and it landed on Wanda. We all laughed at the went into the closet for 7 minutes. We just heard them talking and when they came out it was my turn. I span it and luckily it landed on Nat. We are both more drunk then the others and we walk into the closet together and as soon as that door closes we smash our lips together. Things get heated pretty quickly and before I know it we are both naked. Nat is attacking my neck with kisses and leaving hickeys and she knows my soft spot I there as I let out a little moan. While she is doing that I manage to start playing with her nipples and I know she loves it when I do that's bad she lets out quite a loud moan we are just about to do it until we hear a knock on the door telling us our 7 minutes are over. When we come out I say we will finish that later and everyone urges. Next it is Casey'a turn and it lands on Steve. When she saw that her eyes lit up. As they went into the closet I shouted "don't have too much fun." And then the door closed. We could here Casey moaning and we all guessed what was going on. When they came out Steve had lipstick all over his face. We all laughed as we knew what had happened. It was getting late so everyone went there separate ways. Me and Nat couldn't do anything because Casey had to stay in our room on a blow up bed as all the rooms were taking. All three of us make it to bed and before we go to sleep I say " I hope you enjoyed tonight Casey love you lots and goodnight Nat love you lots too." I give Casey a kiss on the cheek and give Nat a kiss on the lips and fall asleep.

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