The mission pt2

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Natasha POV
we have just landed at the secret hydra base and it's is in the middle of the woods. Before we get off the Quinjet, we go over our plan. "Right" Bruce says "When we get out there are probably going to be hydra agents there so I will try and get really angry and turn into the hulk, Wanda and Y/N you take down the guards near strucker (points to security camera footage) and Wanda you take over his mind and Y/N you arrest him while me and Nat are dealing with other guards." We all agree and head out. As soon as we head outside Bruce has now turned into the hulk and me and him are fighting lots of guards just as Wanda and Y/N sneak in.
Me and Wanda manage to sneak in with hulk (Bruce) and Nat are fighting off the guards. We follow the directions and they lead us straight to some of his agents. While Wanda gives them nightmares I manage to disarm them and knock them to the floor. And then stood in front of us with a smug look on his face is Strucker. Just before I could realise what was happening I was being dragged off by some guards. I screamed and shouted for Wanda but she was no where to be seen. Before I knew it I had been knocked out and it had all gone pitch black.
Natasha POV
Me and hulk have killed all of the hydra agents but Y/N and Wanda are no where to be seen. I'm starting to get a little worried but first of all I have to turn hulk back to Banner so I say "the suns getting real low" while touching his hand and it works every time. Me and Banner look at the live security footage and what we say makes me want to scream. Wanda and Y/N have be captured and put in cells and both of them look unconscious. My heart just wants to go in there and save them but I know that's not the most practical thing to do with just me and Banner so we will return back home, pack up and head back to avengers headquarters to tell everyone and go save them. Me and banner get on the Quinjet safely and start to head back to our safe house to pack up so we can leave straight away.

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