Y/N tells Nat about her kidnapping

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I've been in Bruce's lab for a few days now and Nat has not left my side. My weight is gaining and I am now 105 pounds and I am very proud. Bruce says with the way I am going I can get out of this place in a week. I keep thinking about telling Nat about what happened but I haven't had the opportunity but today I am going to build up the courage to tell her. I clear my throat and say "umm Nat can I tell you something?" "Yep sure babe,what is it?" She replied. "Well it's about what happened when me and Wanda got kidnapped" Nat gives me a reassuring look and says " it's ok Y/N I will listen for as long as you like and I will be here to comfort you." I nod and I start. "Right I won't give you every detail as I don't think I would get through it but basically me and Wanda were tortured. We were electrocuted and had a sponge in our mouths, we were whipped, put on this table in sort of a starfish shape and our arms and legs were pulled away from each other, used for human punching bags and that's when the agents called me a far ugly piece of shit and that's why I developed an eating disorder because they said it Over and over again and it was almost drilled into my head. We passed out a lot from the lose of blood and pain." I break down into tears even thinking about it and Nat comes over a pulls me into a hug. " hey babe I'm so sorry you had to go through that and I wish I could have protected you I feel like it was all my fault I shouldn't have let you two go in there alone." Nat starts to cry as well now so I give her a soft kiss on the lips. After that we kind of just sit in a comfortable silence in each others arms just appreciating that we have each other. There was a knock at the door and it is Steve. We tell him to come in and he brought me some flowers and a card saying get well soon. "Awww thank you Steve you didn't have too." "It's ok I just wanted to check up on you and when you think you will be out of here." He asked. " Bruce thinks a week and then I should be back up to a healthy weight to not have a feeding tube." I replied. "That's good, well I hope to see you up and about soon Y/N." I nod and he leaves the lab. Me and Nat go back to watching Tv snuggled up with each other.
* 1 week time jump*
It's been a week and I am now 135 pounds and Bruce says I can go off a feeding tube and now start slowly introducing solid food again. I Can't wait to go back to my room. Bruce signs the papers and discharges me from the lab and the first thing I do is drag Nat into my room. I close the door behind us and immediately push her against the wall kissing her passionately. Things get heated really quickly and before I know it we are on the bed taking each other's clothes off. "You are so gorgeous and I love you babe" I got out between kisses. She kind of moans in reply and I just smirk and then before I know it I am tumbling down from a high and letting my breathing even out again after a pleasurable hour. "How was that babe?" Nat asks me. "Amazing but long overdue." I reply. Suddenly there is a knock at the door and I say "just a sec" as me and Nat scramble around to try and get our clothes back on fast. "Come in!" Nat shouts after we are both finished. I was only Clint coming to ask how I was and how nice it must feel to be out of that lab. I explain that I feel a lot better and it's amazing to be in my own bed and smirk at Nat but Clint just gives us a confused look. Clint says " I gotta go Tony has called me, Steve and Carol on a mission was just doing a passing by." Me and Nat say goodbye and when he shuts the door we burst out laughing. "How is Clint so oblivious" I ask still while laughing. "I don't know!" Nat replies. "Hey can we watch the little mermaid, it's my favourite film" I do cute puppy dog eyes which I know Nat can't say no too. "Fine" she says so we put it on and cuddle up together. We are both so happy to have each other.

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