The rescue mission pt2

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Natasha POV
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. After laying there for a few minutes I decide to go get in the shower. After I have showered, I get dressed, do my hair and go down to have so breakfast. When I get down there, a few people are still missing so I just go ahead and start eating. Breakfast was pancakes with bacon amazing. By the time I had Finished, everyone was fine chatting and eating breakfast. As I was finished, I decided to go get the Quinjet set to leave in an hour. When I got aboard the jet, I went to go start it but it wasn't working. I asked FRIDAY "hey FRIDAY, what's up with the jet" "Miss Romanoff it seems the engines have failed and will not be working until you get new ones as they are completely destroyed" said FRIDAY. I screamed in frustration. How can this be happening, the girl I love is going to be trapped in that hell hole until the unseeable future. Wait did I just say the girl I love? Come on Romanoff get yourself together you barely know the girl. Right I guess I'm going to have to tell the team. I charge back into the kitchen and immediately say " the engines have failed and are completely destroyed and the quinjet won't work until we get new ones" " Oh god this is bad. Right we are going to have to phone someone to maybe help us out." Steve pondered for a moment. " aha I know where we can get a new one I will phone tchalla king of Wakanda to see if the Wakandians can make us a new one." Steve went and phoned him and after a few minutes he came back over and said there was good news and bad news. "The good news is that they can make a new one, the bad news is that it won't be ready for 1 week" one week I thought that is ages away god knows what he's going to do to them. " is there any other way, can we not just walk it" I said frustrated. " Nat they would hear and see us coming from miles away and plus it's 500 miles away and I don't fancy walking that" Clint exclaimed "Ok I am not happy with this but as soon as the T'challa delivers it and fits it we are leaving straight away to get them." I sighed and Everyone nodded. "God I hope she is ok until then because I don't know what I would do if she isn't." I whispered to myself
I woke up in a heap on the cold floor and when I tried to move I was in so much agony I couldn't move any part of my body. Then I start to get flashbacks from the electric shocks and whipping. I start to cry thinking about it. My stomach rumbles because I haven't eaten anything in 48 hours. I heard a door open and realise Strucker had returned and I saw Wanda was now awake too. "Right day 2 of your punishment you fat, ugly pieces of shit." He said with some excitement in his voice. " today you will be strapped to a table and your legs and arms will get pulled further and further apart until you would rather die than have another crank on your limbs and afterwards you will be used as a human punching bag, having your arms tied to the curling and being repeatedly punched. You 2 are so worthless you are going to rot in here forever." We were both lead out of our cells towards the "torture room" and I had to go first on this torture device. I had to be in a starfish position with my arms and legs out and they where attached to chains. "All ready" Strucker asked. The guards nodded and they stated to wind the chains in so my limbs felt like they were being pulled apart from my body. I screamed out in pain and I just wanted to die in that moment it felt horrible. After a few minutes me and Wanda had to switch and I had to watch one of my friends be hurt repeatedly and I hated it. Next was the human punching bags. We were both tied to the ceiling with our hands and a few guards came in. They stated to punch us everywhere and shouted at us "your so fat" , "your so ugly" and "you need to loose a few pounds." And they didn't stop until we had blood coming out of everywhere. While we were finally being led back to our cells, I realised Wanda had passed out again and I could feel my eyelids closing because of how much blood I had lost and how much pain I was in and then I just say black.

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