The big day pt2

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Natasha POV:
We have officially just got married!!! We were just announced wife and wife and I couldn't be happier. It's now time to cut the delicious chocolate cake that I know Y/N has been waiting for. The photographer snaps some pics of us cutting the cake and we tried a bit and it didn't fail it was amazing. After that we went out to have some pics of just me and Y/N. We then had a few pictures with our families and the whole of the guests together. When we arrived back inside for the wedding reception, there was a while buffet of food I was dying to try. I shared a long passionate kiss with Y/N as we were just so happy and In the moment. I went and got us both a plate of food and we sat down with the rest of our family and I got to know Casey abit more and I saw Y/N bonding with mine. We had just finished our food when the DJ announced that the dance floor is now open so we could take our first dance. We both got up and Y/N grabbed my hand and led me into the centre of the room. The song "make you feel my love" by Adele started to play and we did a slow, intimate dance Where it felt like it was only us two in the room. I stared into her eyes and I just had flashbacks off when I first laid eyes on her. The song had just finished and I was broken out of my trance from everyone clapping. As the first dance was over, the dance floor now started to fill with people just having a great time. It was now 8pm and I wanted to just get back to our room to have some time alone with Y/N so we said our goodbyes to everyone and after we left so did everyone else. I was so in love with Y/N right now I just needed her. When we got back to the room we started to undress but I pushed her up against the wall and aggressively made out with her. Y/N then made her way down to my neck smiling into my warm skin and attacking it. She took my bra off and she started to kiss around my breasts and started to flick her tongue over my nipple. I let out a soft moan and it felt so good. My hands were roaming a around her body getting all tangled up in her hair. Me and Y/N both thrive off of compliments and praise so we always said "your doing so well" and "I love you so much you know that right." She started to caress my thighs moving slightly higher each time. I know she could feel I was soaking already but Y/N wasn't going to let me have it that easy. She moved away from my thighs as I let out a slight whimper from not getting the pleasure I needed. She went back and focused on my breasts, tracing around them with her finger tips but all of a sudden she plunged 2 fingers into me. I rolled my head back in utter pleasure. She then while still having her fingers in me started to flick my clit with her tongue. That almost sent me over the edge. This new sensation was all to much I was so close! "Baby, I am so close." After a few more pumps i came all over her fingers and she made me watch her lick it off her fingers. After I  had come down from my high I snuggled up with my now wife and I was just so tired after the whole day, I almost instantly fell asleep but I managed to get out "I love my wife" to which I heard "I love my wife too."

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