The future/last chapter

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*time skip 10 years*
It's the last day of school for the kids before they break up for the summer. About 8 years ago me and Nat adopted twin girls just after they were born called Riley and Reagan. We live about 10 minutes from the avengers tower as we are both still apart of the team but we live with Casey and Yelena so they look after the twins when we are off with missions. I am out with Nat making breakfast for the girls and in that moment I just look at her interacting with Reagan and I see that I am the luckiest person in the world. I say to the girls "the pancakes are ready" and they immediately sit at the table very excited. I put that on the table and give Nat and the twins a kiss on the head. "Girls come on it's time for school." I hear Casey and Yelena shout. Me and Nat are going with them today as it is there last day of 3rd grade. When we have arrived at the school we all hop out and I give the girls a huge hug. "I love you two so much have the best last day ever, after school me and mommy are going to pick you up for so ice cream." They nod very excitedly. I wrap my arms around Nat's waist as our bundles of joy going skipping in together. We both smile together and get back into the car and head to the Avengers tower just to check up on everyone. As we head in the door we are greeted with a smiling Wanda and Vision as they are a very happy couple and we just chat to them for a while about Riley and Reagan and how much we love them. The avengers are like a second Family to the twins we are always up here and each Avenger has a different love for them. We always say Riley is more like Nat: feisty, stands her own ground but is a very loving girl and Reagan is more like me: a soft, bubbly little girl who take the world in her stride. We found out that Wanda and Vision are engaged and we are so happy for them and to tie it up nicely Wanda has a little one on the way too. Before we knew it, it was 2:20 pm so we said "we better get off going to pick up the girls but congratulations to you both." They thanked us and we headed off. When we got them, they were almost shouting as they were so excited to get ice cream and they said " mommy, moma our day was the best we got to go outside and play on the grass field so we played football with all the boys as we are tough girls and can handle it" while saying that Reagan kissed her "arm muscles." Me and Nat started giggling and Nat said "your just like your mommy, being all tough" I smiled at her in awe and we were now at the ice cream shop. We all bundled out of the car and went into the shop. The twins eyes lit up when they saw how many flavours there were. "May I have 1 Oreo scoop and one rocky road scoop please" Reagan asked. "Of course, what do you want Riley?" Nat asked. " 2 scoops of biscoff please." Riley replied with abit of sass as she usually does. We all just laughed including the woman serving us. She gave us our ice creams and we went and sat down in a booth. We all just laughed and Giggled until we realised it had been 2 hours and was time to go home. The girls were hyper on sugar so didn't stop gong on about the most random stuff. When we arrived home i put some pizzas in the oven and said we could watch a film over dinner. Riley and Reagan both decided toy story. So with our pepperoni pizzas we put the film on and watched intently. It was about half way through the film and me and Nat looked at eachother and saw the girls were both snuggled up to us asleep, we put blankets over them and I whispered "we are the luckiest people in the world!" She nodded her head in agreement and we just admired our miracles.

Authors note:
Omg thank you for everyone's support with this book, it has took a long time and I appreciate everyone that has taken the time to read it.

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