Y/N and Nat after the party

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Me and Nat started to head upstairs and as soon as we closed the door to her room I was pushed up against the wall. Me and Nat were passionately kissing and she started to kiss my neck. We she got to my soft spot I let out a little moan. I then switched positions with her and started to attack her neck leaving a few hickeys. We kept kissing and only breaking away if we needed to breath.We got each other's dresses off so we were just in our bra and underwear. I managed to say between kisses "You are so gorgeous Natasha Romanoff" she just smiled and replied "so are you Y/N." We headed over to the bed and I was on the bottom and she was on top. I took her bra off and she took mine off until there was just one item of clothing left and it's were I needed her the most. She began to kiss down my body, down my cleavage and she started to suck my nipple swirling them with her tongue. She kissed all the way down my body until she reached my legs. She slipped off my underwear and started to kiss my inner thighs. I knew from the moment I Met her she was a tease. "Nat please stop teasing you know where I want you" I got to say in between breaths. And just like that I could feel 2 fingers out in side me. I clutched the bed sheets and rolled my head back and begged for more. Nat playfully said "in good time Y/N." She then all of a sudden removed her fingers from me which made me whimper, she without notice plunged 3 fingers in me edging me closer and closer. She put her tongue in there and I rolled my head back from the pleasure. She went in a figure of 8 with her tongue playing with my clit. "Ahhh Nat I'm almost there ahh" I managed to get out. My back arched and I started to come down from my high. my breathing started to even out again. After I catches my breath I finally said "that is the best sex I have ever had, I need to now return the favour" I winked after saying that. We had a few more rounds before starting to get sleepy. Just as I was about to fall asleep I said sleepily "goodnight Nat, I think I might just like you." She replied "Goodnight Y/N, I think I might just like you too." And then we both fell asleep in each others arms.

Natasha Romanoff x Y/N love storyWhere stories live. Discover now