Act 3 Chapter 4: The Future

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Elliott and Zeke stepped onto the magenta colored grass. The wind blew harshly, as the portal closed behind them.

Elliott's eyes scanned the surrounding area. Even years into the future, the scenery was completely recognizable. Bright colors consumed the area, as animal sounds echoed through the area.

"The forest?"
"I couldn't really choose an exact location."

Zeke observed everything, noticing that the others were nowhere in sight. It was just him and his brother. Elliott quickly noticed too.

"Wait, where is everyone?"
"Man." Zeke kicked the ground,the surrounding leaves scattering. "I told you my power wasn't stable. I didn't transport everyone to the same place."

"We're separated?" Elliott sighed, "Okay, um, no worries. We'll just find them. Plus, we could cover more ground while split up. I just hope they're okay."

"I'm sure they are."
Zeke walked forward, and the fallen leaves crunched underneath his feet. He had never made a mistake with power before, and it felt incredibly weird to mess up. He was always a powerful and skilled xylen. Being human changed him a lot more than he expected.

"We should look around while we're here." Elliott spoke up, "I don't Serena has found the relic yet. We need to find it."

"Huh?" Marie sounded. She looked around the crowded city area. Her hair swayed behind her. Rex tensed up, noticing everyone staring at him and Marie, which was completely understandable. They just appeared out of nowhere.

"RJ!" Marie called, "Where's RJ?"
Rex held her hand, "We probably got separated. Maybe the portal wasn't stable enough."

A nearby citizen tilted their head, "Your highnesses?"

Rex didn't feel comfortable out in the open. He quickly pulled Marie into a nearby alleyway, so they would be out of sight. Rex looked back out into the sparkling, and now quiet city.

New buildings, and attractions filled the familiar streets. It was obvious this was the future. Though, Elliott and Zeke never mentioned how far ahead it was.

"They recognized us. So, at least we know we're still alive, and we look the same." Rex said.
"Yeah...but RJ and Faith are out there somewhere. We need to find them."

"And that relic. We really can't have Serena getting that power. She'll hurt you, and everyone else in Syspocalypstar. That vile woman will have all the men she wants."

Marie held his hands, "We'll stop her. I know we will. Don't worry. We can look for the relic while we try to find the others. Maybe RJ and Faith are still with Elliott and Zeke."
"Maybe...but let's start looking. We shouldn't waste any time."

Rex stepped back out onto the street. Marie followed him, "Where do we look first?"
"Well, that relic is definitely not here. It would attract attention if it was nearby. Maybe we should check a more isolated area or something."

"That's a good idea." Marie agreed.
Rex walked to the right, as Marie held his hand. He appeared agitated, but Marie knew he wasn't truly mad. It was just a lot of emotions at once.

She wanted to assure him that everything would be okay. Marie was positive about the current situation. All of their adventures ended happily. This one would too. She was confident that it would.

RJ eyes it lit up, as he smiled brightly at the surrounding area. He immediately recognized it as his and Faith's favorite park to play in.

Everything looked the same, except for the fact that the swings and playground equipment were worn down and showed their usage well.

"Faith, isn't this rad?!" RJ jumped with joy.
Faith was quite the opposite. She was tense, and a bit scared. "I don't know, RJ. We should find Uncle Rex and Aunt Marie. Maybe Elliott or Zeke?"

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