Act 3 Chapter 5: Searching

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Zeke pushed a few bushes aside, visibly frustrated. He groaned, "It's been like...thirty minutes, right? We haven't found anything."

"Be patient, Zeke." Elliott stepped closer to him, "Maybe the others are having better luck. Not all hope is lost."
"Where do you think they are anyway?"

"I'm really not sure." Elliott observed the lit up city in the distance, as the sun started to set. "Maybe we should head towards the city. I think we've already looked here."

Zeke looked around some more, giving a shrug.
"We don't know that for sure. Maybe we should look over things one more time."

Elliott hummed, getting lost in thought as Zeke continued to look behind him. He wondered why Serena hadn't found the relic yet, they were too lucky. The world was still standing.

"Zeke, hear me out." He turned, "What if someone else found it first?"
"Huh? That's hard to believe. Who would pick up a strange relic that probably spawned in the middle of nowhere?"

"Rex." Elliott answered, "Think about it. His job is to contain strange objects."
"How do we know he's still doing that?"

Elliott rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, we don't. I just know it's either him or RJ. It has to be with one of them, but we should maybe consider visiting him."
"Bro, we really don't have the power to fix anything."

Elliott thought about it, "Okay, you're right. Maybe we should search the city before doing something like that. Still, if we still can't find anything, it might be our only option."

"We'll get there, when we get there. I just hope Serena isn't looking too hard. She's always been lazy."

RJ's eyes lit up, as he jumped with excitement.

Legend had led RJ and Faith to his home on the edge of Stardust. The sparkling section of Syspocalypstar never lost its bright colors and shining details.

Legend's home itself was unexpected.
It was a massive spaceship, colored dark blue and lined with silver. It was almost as big as Rexcelsior.

"Legend, you live in a spaceship?! That's so cool!" RJ beamed.
"Yeah, everyone started getting them after the royal, you and your parents. It's just cool to have."

Legend looked into a scanner beside the entrance, which scanned his body. The entrance then opened for him.

"Welcome home, Legend."

"It talks?! That's so cool!" RJ bounced.
Legend turned, "Can you wait out here? Just for a moment."

"Oh..." RJ shifted, "Sure."

Legend watched into his spaceship home, looking around. The entrance closed behind him, as he stepped forward.
"Dad!" He called out.

He jumped when a crash sounded upstairs. Legend quickly made his way towards the direction of the sound, and he began to hear voices.

"I know you have it!" Serena's voice echoed out, "The citizens said you did!"

"Get lost, lady! I did have it, but I gave it to someone else. My job is only to find things, not keep them!"

Legend pressed himself against a wall, recognizing the sound of his father's voice.

He peeked around the corner, seeing how furious Serena was. "Fine, then who did you give it to?"
"One of the museum workers. It could be anywhere at this point."

That statement was enough to convince Serena, " is an ancient relic I didn't find it here. You know it won't stay forever, right? Ugh,I guess I could go look at the museum." She turned, "If I find out you lied to me, I'll come back and you'll be mine! Got it?"

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