Act 3 Chapter 3: Strength from love

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Rex very carefully wrapped an elastic bandage around Marie's injured arm, as she sat still on their bed. He was as gentle as possible, afraid of hurting her more.

Marie stared at him lovingly, smiling at his presence. It was rare that Marie ever got hurt. She usually helped Rex clean and bandage up.

Rex finally finished. Putting the bandages away in the first aid kit. "Is that okay?"
"Yes, thank you, Honey! It already feels much better!" Marie beamed, "But you need to take care of your injury on your arm."

Rex looked to the injury on his upper arm, where Serena had slashed through him to infect him. He nodded his head in agreement, "I'll do that now. Why don't you call your dad?"

Marie nodded, "Okay."
Rex turned, taking the first aid kit with him.

Rex turned back to look at Marie, "Yeah?"

Marie adjusted herself on the bed, "I love you. You don't like seeing you so sad. Is there anything I can do to lift your spirits?"
Rex shrugged, "I don't know...I just wish I didn't hurt you."

"You didn't, my love. It was Serena. I really don't want you to feel bad." Marie replied.
Rex was quiet for a moment, "Can we talk after I bandage myself up?"
"Of course, change your clothes too. You'll be more comfortable."

Rex nodded, getting himself a change of clothes, before walking into the nearby bathroom.

Marie reached over, picking up her cellphone from the bedside table. She hadn't called her father in a while, but she really needed his help. Her family, and herself were in danger.

Marie dialed his number, holding her phone to her ear. She also looked down at her injured arm, thinking positively. She would feel better soon.


"Daddy!" Marie cheered, hearing her father answer her call. "Are you busy?"
"No, no. I actually just finished work for today. How are you?"

Marie sighed, laying down.
"Honestly, daddy, we could be doing a lot better. An evil pink xylen infected my husband and tried to make him kill me."

"Wait, what?!"
"Yeah...but I'm okay!" Marie responded, "Just an injured arm, and a few bruises. The healing magic from my friend really helped. I just really need to ask you some things, if you don't mind."

Mason hummed, "Ask me anything, baby."
"'s just, this pink xylen is scared of mom. I just wanted to know if you knew something about that. It could really help us in defeating her."

"A pink xylen? Hmm, what's her name?"
"Serena." Marie answered, "She used to be soulless, but mommy helped her gain one. Now she can use power and turn human as much as she wishes."

"That sounds familiar actually." Mason stated, "Before your mother came to the facility, she was a really powerful and well known xylen. She granted wishes with the amount of power she had, and everyone adored her. Especially her fellow pinks. My guess is that she ran into Serena one day, saw her worthy of it, and asked the universe to make her truly alive. She was deeply connected to the universe."

"That makes sense, but what made Serena hate mom so much? Even after she helped her?" Marie asked.

"Serena...Sylvanna said something about betrayal. Your mom was against the idea of xylens using their charm abilities for actions of lust. She wanted to change that. Serena, I'm guessing, is very lustful. Your mother always believed that love was above all things, it's the true meaning of pink xylens." Mason explained.

"It's true." Marie agreed, "The greatest pleasure is from the heart."
"Mom was a bit harsh, I'll admit." Mason spoke up, "Anyone who betrayed her or didn't keep their word was greatly punished. My guess is that Serena promised her that she'd stay pure and find love before trying anything, but quickly broke that promise. Mom probably tried to take away her power, or even her soul."

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