Chapter 2: "His Return"

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{8 years later}

Marie checked the time on her phone, counting the hours that her husband had been gone. With that information in her mind, she put her phone down.

She placed her hands on her knees, and drummed them nervously. She sat in the living room area of Rexcelsior, alone and in silence.

"This is an awfully long job. I hope he's doing okay."

She reached out to the coffee table in front of her, and picked up the book she was previously reading. In the process she also took a sip from the nearby teacup.


Marie perked up instantly when a sudden, small voice called out to her. She her head, and smiled sweetly.

"RJ. Baby."

Rex Dangervest Junior, her son, now eight years old, ran up to the back of the couch, and jumped over it.

He landed with a soft thud in the seat next to her. He adjusted the wrinkles on his deep blue hoodie, before looked at the book she was holding.

"Woah! Careful." She chuckled.

"What're you reading?"

"I'm finishing up this 'Watertale Warriors' series. I'm on the last book. Do you need something?"

"Oh! Do you know what's super duper rad?! I finished cleaning my room! Do you think Faith can come over now? I really want to play with her! Please!"

"Good job!" Marie clapped her hands, "Of course she can come over to play. But please don't mess up the room again. It would be a shame for your work to go to waste."

"Thanks, Mom!" RJ hugged her arm, "Is Dad not back yet?"

The Princess shook her head, "Not yet."
"Geez! This job is taking him a billion years!"

"He'll be home soon. Don't worry. I actually had time to bake some cookies. They should be cool by now. Would you like some?"

"Yes, please!"

She stood up, adjusting the skirt on her dress.
"I'll get you a the tiniest ones. For the tiniest little boy."

"Mom!" He spoke in an embarrassed tone.

"Why don't you turn on the TV? You can hang out with me for a bit."

Marie exited the living room, as her precious son reached for the TV remote. When he grabbed it, he turned on the widescreen television in the living room.

He leaned back into the couch, and kicked his feet excitedly as he flipped through the many channels he had access too.

He finally stopped on a channel showing a cartoon, depicting a muscular man wearing camouflage and sunglasses.

"Woah! Jax Cooldude! I forgot that they show him earlier now. He kicks butt! also really nice about it."

The Prince's personality was a mixture of both his parents. He had Rex's outlook on life, and his outgoing spirit, but also showed kindness and love to those around him.

His Mother finally walked back into the living room with a plate of cookies, and a filled bright blue cup.

"I've already had some. They're really good! I also brought you some juice."

She handed the dishes to her son, and he smiled at her. "Thank you, Mom!"

"You're welcome, Baby."

Suddenly, the entrance to Rexcelsior opened, and the sound of it could be heard from the living room area.

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