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y/n pov:

When we arrived Billie decided to park a couple streets away so the fans couldnt see the car or something like that. I do not understand why she still drinks and does drugs if she has fans, thats just mean to them.

"why do you do drugs Billie?" she gave me shocked look.
"well that was out of the blue, ummm because it makes me feel good."
"But its discusting, and not to mention your damaging your bo-"
"y/n i dont care what you think to be honest, since when do i care what you think anyway."

Although me and Billie arnt freinds anymore, i still worry for her health physically and mentally. For as long as i can remeber she has suffered with anxiety, getting famous did not help. It doesnt matter that she doesnt have 30+ million followers on instagram, a million is still alot of pressure and i dont personally think its ok. But hey, since when does my opinion matter.

Billie's pov:

We got to the park and a huge banner with 'Congrats class of 2015!' hung from two trees and the stage was right in the middle of the grass. My mom and y/n's mom Michelle was sat on the chairs talking to eachother. Y/n's mom was cool, Regina Georges mom level of cool. Anyway we went backstage and waited for our names to be called, to be honest i was waiting for this to be over so i can go to Danielles to do coke. If y/n went with me, shed actually be interesting.

I wouldnt mind becoming freinds with her, y/n would be so chill if she was high.
"Hey y/n, do you wanna go to a party after this?"
"Depends if your gunna get high again."
"Baby you need to loosen up a bit. Have fun, youd look hot for once."
It was obvious that she was blushing, like hardcore blushing. Its so funny how much of a sub she is,
"ok fine, where do i have to go after."
"ill drive you."

y/n pov:

I dont know if Billie is trying to be freinds again or humilliate me at the party. But anyway, its just alcohol im not going to die. So why not have a bit of teenage fun before i go to college.

" Billie O'connell" Billie walked out on her phone not paying any attention to anyone onstage. I couldnt see the rest as all of the fans blocked my veiw. But everyone cheered more for her, perks of being a celebrity i guess.
"Y/n y/l/n" I walked out and caught eyes with billie, somehow in the timespace of ten seconds she got a lollypop in her mouth. She smirked at me. My stomach had butterflys but why? I like men, and so does Billie. Also since when did i like Billie? Like, like like her. I searched for a free seat far from billie but the only one left was next to her, just my luck.

"why are you so happy?" Billie acted like shes graduated a thousand times before.
" Because i just graduated?"
"i dont get your point."

Well im sorry Billie Eilish.

Finally it ended, i told my mum i was going with Billie to a party and she was ok with it, i didnt suprise me. She wants me to go out more and be 'just like her when she was younger.'

Billie already went to the car but i stayed back and thanked all the teachers before i left. She had to wait a long time, Billie didnt drive off. she actually wanted me to come. I decided she wasnt going to leave without me so i climbed into her matt black dodge challenger and we drove off.



AHHHHHH lost cause out tommorow guyssss. I'm deceased 💀. Anyway I'm writing the next chapter rn so it should be out soon. Also happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈💕

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