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Billies pov:

I cant beleive perfect little y/n actually agreed to go to a party with me. It was already dark when we got to Danielles and from what i remember of our friendship, y/n is terrified of the dark.

"Here we are y/n"
"Why did you park so far away from Dani's?"
"Why did you call her Dani? You best freinds or summin?"
"Well im not going to stop being freinds with people just because were not freinds."
I stared at her confused.
"The only reason why you stopped being freinds with me in because im a drug addict, but Dani is worse than me."
"No shes not, ive never seen her do any of that stuff."
"y/n sometimes you can be so fucking stupid, its funny at this point."

She got out of the car and slammed the door behind her, but she stopped realising she doesnt like walking alone in the dark. It was kinda cute. But i dont like her like that, i like men.

I got out soon after grabbing my phone, y/n walked over and linked arms with me and we started walking together. I could feel my cheeks getting hot and flushed. I tried my best to hide them, but she saw. Y/n didnt make a big deal out of it, thank god.

y/n pov:

Billie was blushing. Like hardcore blushing.

I think she was being freindly though, like i was earlier.

"Heyyy guyssss!!" Dani was clearly drunk, i knew Billie was watching me mouthing 'told you so'.
"Ohh so are you guys together orr." Billie quickly unlinked our arms, i dont know why but i felt kind of upset about it.
Dani just giggled and pulled us inside.

The music pounded in my ears and all around me was sweaty hot bodies. I dont know where Dani or Billie had gone and i was stuck in the middle of a claustraphobic pit of people. But thats what i came here for, i decided just to let loose and have fun.

Billie pov:

Me and Dani purposely lost y/n. We both knew she didnt support drugs so we got her stuck in the crowds. The lines of cocaine quickly dissapeared and i felt great. I felt calm and confident. Dani was next to me on the sofa, somehow sleeping over the blaring music. I sat looking at the celing relaxed.

Untill she found us.

y/n stood with her jaw dropped staring at the ashy white table and i quickly shot my head to her in complete shock.

I have never stood up faster in my life and walked over to y/n trembling on words. This is the reason she broke off our freindship in the first place, i was accepting the fact that we were becoming freinds again. To be honset i was excited for it, but ive ruined it all again.

"Y/n why arnt you dancing?"
"You know what its fine, but im gunna go home. Have fun. But dont text me when you get back."

That was it. Y/n left me, i was high and confused.

y/n pov:

I cant beleive Billie. She dragged me to a party, left me to drown in bodies to snort cocaine with my only freind left.
My phone vibrated more than once, but i knew it was goign to be Billie trying to apologise. I cant deal with it, im not going through that agin.

I finally got home after an hour of walking in the dark streets of LA.

Even though darkness is my biggest fear, i dont wanna stay in that party with her.

Ill look at the messages in the morning. But right now im drunk, sweating, and shoked. Im going to bed. Hopefully this will be the end of our freindship forever.

next morning.

y/n im sorry plzzz come back to the partyy.

read at 3:46 am

come on i dont wanna ruin your night!!!!!

read at 3:47 am

im sorrry

read at 3:47 am

i can explain please just answer me

read at 3:48 am

ill come pick you up. so you dont have to walk.

read at 3:48 am

y/n please i only just started to get you back.

read at 3:50 am

That last message hurt, i know how it feels. But i cant let myself fall into this hole again, Billie and i were supposed to be freinds till we're 90.
But shes the one who keeps screwing it up, not me. I cant pity her when all she does is hurt me over and over again. Its time to let go y/n.

Billie please stop messaging me.

read at 10:13 am

y/n y/n please just let me explain.

read at 10:15 am

no Billie. Just leave me alone.

read at 10:16

I feel so bad. Is this the right way to help Billie, or am i just making it worse?

Billie pov:

No it cant be over before its even started. I miss having freinds like y/n.

Why do i keep doing this to myself?

Im so fucking stupid.


Uhh pain. Also hi daisy btw writing next bit now 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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