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Y/n pov:

Me and Billie haven't talked for the whole day because she just got off a flight and she'd probably be jetlagged.

It was already 10pm the next day and I was walking back to my place to get ready for the party.

I unlocked the door and went over to the kitchen counter where I saw a note:

I hope you had a good time with Billie, im going to be out of town for a month and a bit for a work thing. But I left you $1000 for you. Have fun and don't spend it all at once !

Lots of love,
Mom xxx

No one that I'm really close to apart from Claudia and Zoe are with me right now. Or even in the same state.

Walking down the corridor to my bedroom I felt like this might not be a good idea. Would I be pulled into doing something?
Even so, I can control myself and say no.

I wasn't really planning on dressing up all nice for the party, so I ended up wearing sweats with a shit load of jewelry.

Obviously I still wore my playboy necklace that Billie gave me.

I shoved on my white trainers and called Danielle so she can pick me up. As I said before, I hate yhe dark.

Danielles car parked outside and she stepped outside with her phone in her hand. Luckily she wasn't wearing party clothes either so I didnt feel alone.

When Danielle saw me, she smilled and ran up to me and hugged me painfully tight.

"Oh my god heyyyy y/nn!"

Her acrylics accidentally scratched my arm but she didn't care, Danielle was excited to see me.

"Hey Danielle, just to be clear no drugs."
"Why that posh shit."
"Why did you call me Danielle, its Dani."
"A-alright fine, don't be rude."

I rolled my eyes and climbed into her car. It smelled of really strong weed. But I wasn't suprised, Dani is a drug addict and a dealer.

Dani came in after me looking pretty annoyed.
"Since when have you turned into the bitch? Ooooooh have you gotten with Billie?"
"Yeah she's m-"

Dani interrupted me, "She is amazing a sex though."

My heart kindof shattered.

"Yeah, anyway. Let's gooo!"

I hyped her up so she could just drive. I hated this conversation and I just needed people around me at the party, so I can just blend. As a distraction from the situation.

It was now around 11pm and we got to Dani's 'party'.
When she said party I didn't think it would only be me and her.
But I was already here, so it's not like I can just go home. Anyway, I can catch up with Dani.

We walked inside and the stench of drugs, alcohol and weed filled the air. I could literally get high off of just breathing it in.

Dani led me to the living room and I instantly remembered Billie snorting lines of cocaine on the clear glass table.

I was hesitant to sit down but I did anyway.
The table still had specs of white powder scattered across it, but seemed to have been mostly wiped off.

"Okay so do you wanna," She paused looking me in the eyes. "Yknow share a joint?"

Danielles pov:

I have a plan for tonight. Y/n is going to end up getting really high and on crack.
Then I'll call the police on her while she walks back home. Then she'll rot in a cell, as payback for what she did to me.

I loved Billie, before y/n stole her away from me. That's the only reason Billie wanted to come to my party anyway, y/n happened to tag along. It was meant to be my way of making Billie mine, but y/n had to steal her away.

"No thanks Dani. But you can have one if you want."

I didn't hesitate to light the joint already in my mouth. Y/n watched as I inhaled the smoke, soon after exhaling allowing a cloud of foggy smoke to fill the room

Once more I offered it to y/n. This time she took it in her hands, she was way more hesitant, but she took it.
Y/n placed it to her lips and inhaled the joint, releasing more smoke into the air around us.

Y/n looked so chill and released of her stress. She missed Billie and I could tell. But I missed her more. I gave her back the joint without even taking a puff. Instantly she put it to her lips, once more eating to the fog in the room.

After a while y/n was slumped back in the sofa, high on weed.

"I have something harder you can try."

In my backpocket was a small bag of cocaine.

I gently dumped it on the table and took the credit card out of my wallet.

I sliced the coke into lines on the table infront of y/n. On my knees I held one nostril and snorted one line up.
She looked really out of it and confused, but this is my perfect chance.

Like the copycat she is, y/n got on her knees and sniffed up a line of cocaine.

As time went by, all the lines were gone.
Y/n was asleep next to me with powder covering her nostril.

My plan wasn't going to work because she needed to walk for it to happen.

I did lowkey feel bad for kind of forcing her to do it. But I dont regret it.

....anyway. That happened. BTW its currently midnight haha. I'll try get a chapter out soon, I've already started writing the next one. Soo 😌

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