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Claudia pov:

I was shocked. How had this happend to her? Well, I know how but why? I knew she shouldn't be hanging around those type of people, but no one listens to Claudia.

While I drove to the hospital y/n seemed panicked. Fair enough though, I would be too.

I looked over to see her hyperventilating. Billie used to do this sometimes before her shows, so I kinda knew how to stop it.

Too much oxygen was getting to her brain because she was breathing so heavy. I told her to calm down and slow down her breathes. I held my hand out for her to hold and she didn't even hesitate to grab it.

Y/n holding my hand made me realise how much I miss finneas. Ugh, I love him so much. Imagine how y/n is feeling right now, first time not being with Billie 20/4/7.

We arrived at the hospital and I checked in y/n, who was soon after rushed to a room.
I sat in the waiting room messaging Finneas what had happened. He told Billie and his family.

As time went by I was still waiting.

Another hour went by and I was still waiting.

Untill a doctor came out holding a clipboard with a smile on her face.

"Y/n y/l/n is out of surgery. She's going steady but she isn't awake yet. It will take a couple hours for her to wake up, but you can go in the room now!"

I stood up fast and scurried on behind the doctor.

Y/n was layed down on the bed already starting to wake up. On the table beside y/n, her phone was vibrating because Billie was calling her unsurprisingly.

Her eyes slowly fully opened and her phone stopped ringing. She held her stomach and peered down at her stiched up stomach. I feel so bad for her.

"Y/n how are tou feeling?"
"Um, I think I'm okay?"

I smiled and lightly grasped her hand.
Y/n has to stay overnight because she had gone in surgery, I was going to stay with her.

Y/n pov:

My phone rung again and I saw Billies name. My heart fluttered and I reached over not caring that my stomach hurt like shit.

"Y/n are you ok!?"
"Yeah I am now. I miss you."
"I miss you too, how did it happen?"
"I don't know I think its Danielle because I fell asleep on her sofa, but im not gunna come to conclusion."

I heard her breath flow through the phone and it made me realised I missed her, and her body.

"Y/n baby I need to tell you something."
"I cant come home till the end of the tour."

My eyes began to instantly water and my chest tightened like I'd just been stabbed.

"W-what why?"
"The show in LA has been canceled. I'm really sorry y/n but we can call!"

"But I want to see you."
"I know y/n im just as sad as you, but just think of after the tour when we can be together!"

We spoke for another ten minuets before the nurse came in.

She told us that we could actually go home because I was going steady. But the real reason is they needed the room for another patient.

Claudia said that I can stay at her house untill Billie or my mom is back in town, so we both won't be lonely.

I basically went straight to bed when we got back. There wasn't really anything else to do.

Sorry this chapter was short and late lmao.
But I will bless you with a smut soon so it's all worth it hahaha. 👌

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