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Y/n pov:

What the fuck happened last night? That was the first gay sex I've had, and it was amazing. I felt way more turned on than any male sex I've ever had. But I guess it's understandable if you did it with someone as hot as Billie.

I woke up to the sun beams shining on my face and her arm still wrapped around me. I turned round to see Billie sleeping angellically. Her crystal eyes slowly opened and a small smile spread across her face.
"Hey baby, how was your sleeeep?"
Billie didn't answer that question, instead she just pulled me in for a kiss.
"Okay let's get up, I gotta show todayyy!"

We both went for a shower, I slipped on a new pair of underwear and sat on Billies bed to put on my bra. One of the clasps on my bra was broken from last night. Billie saw me struggle to get it on and laughed a little, but she then scooted over and helped me put the clasps together.

Billie let me borrow some of her clothes for the concert today. I ended up wearing my red blohsh hoodie (technically its hers) and some of her basketball shorts. I paired it with just some white trainers, again wearing my playboy necklace. Billie wore a custom set made for her performance, but it looked extremely good on her. No matter what she does she is always beautiful, effortlessly.

The concert started in two hours, but the meet and greet and traffic meant that we had to leave straight away. Billie held my hand as we got in the lift to go the lobby.
"Y/n last time we were in here, we were about to fuck."
"Oh my god Billie!"
I jokingly hit her and she laughed soon after pecking me on the lips.
The elevator dingged and we walked out to see her whole family waiting for us with breakfast burritos.

"Billie, I guess you and y/n had fun last night?"
Finneas said laughing under his breath.
Billie side smirked him as we walked out to the tour van.
The traffic today wasn't as bad as before, so we were actually moving. Probably because it was 2 in the afternoon and people are probably in work.

Billie pov:

We ended up arriving to the concert ten minuets earlier than expected. I saw the lines of fans waiting outside ready to meet me and go into the concert. Only my first album had been released so my concerts wernt high prices like any a-list celebrity. But thats how I want it to be, I just want to meet them all. I dont want them to have to pay to meet me.
A regular ticket was £15 and a meet and greet was £30.

We All sat tin the greenroom waiting for the fans to get a briefing on the rules, so I don't get murdured or beat or anything like that.

When I walked into the outside area where I was meeting them, y/n slowed down behind me. She wasn't expecting to come with me to my meet and greet but I wanted her to, so she did. I looked round at them all and most of them were crying, this one girl was having a panic attack at the back.

They were all so sweet as always and I love them all so much. As I got to the back of the line, the girl that was having a panic attack was next. Then I realised its the girl on the plane! Called.....Taylor y/l/n.
"Oh my god hello again angel!"
She was trying to speak but no works came out her mouth, i pulled her in for a hug and looked over her shoulder to look at y/n. Her eyes were widened and she looked confused. Y/n walked up behind Taylor tapping her on the shoulder, she turned to face her. Y/n stumbled back a few steps in shock and was speechless.

"Y/n what the fuck are you doing here?!" Taylor cringed at y/n and I slightly got worked up.
"Wait you guys know eachother?"
Y/n walked up to Taylor and slapped her round the face, the rest of the line and me let out loud gasps. She held her red cheek and I ran infront of y/n worried that Taylor was going to attack back.
Taylor lept forward pushing past me and pinning y/n to the floor, beginning to pund her fists against her face.
I grabbed Taylor under the arms and yanked her off shoving her towards the security guards. She was screaming and shouting at y/n as she got exited through the doors.
"Oh my fucking god y/n are you okay!?"
I helped her up and she had a nose bleed, but she wiped the blood away with her hand and smiled at me. What the fuck just happened.

Y/n didnt even look sad or hurt, just angry. It was hot, but still! It was odd to see her like that.

I sent her backstage to medical as I continued to do the meet and greet even when that just happened. But she seemed fine, I think.

Before I went on stage, I went to go see y/n. She seemed perfectly fine even though she just got punched in the face multiple times.
"Who the fuck was that?!"
"Oh um, my cousin."
"What happened between you two?"
"Basicaly she slept with my at tike boyfreind so I got pissed off and slept with hers."
"Oh ok, so long story short your a bad bitch."
She laughed as 'my boy' began to play,
I quickly kissed her lips as I ran onstage.

"I LOVE YOUUUU!!" Everyone screamed and shouted as I slowly walked off stage waving to everyone goodbye. I saw y/n behind the curtain jumping and clapping for me, I hugged her with one arm while drinking a bottle of water with the other.

Once I handed the mic back we went and sat in the greenroom, I never liked people coming on woth me after the shows. But y/n had an acception, Im falling inlove with her so how can you blame me.

"That was the best performance performed by anyone I've ever seen Bil!"
"Thank you baby!"

I stared at the ground not knowing how to tell her this.

"Y/n, um."
"Yeah Bil, what's up?"
"I just wanted to tell you that I'm falling in love with you."
She smiled widely and straddled my legs, sitting on my lap.
"I'm falling inlove with you too."
I smiled back and began to make out with her. I held her waist as she engaged her fingers in my hair, she is so hot.

When our lips disconnected, I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her while she still straddled my lap. Y/n hugged back and buried her head in my neck.

After a few minuets y/n fell asleep in my arms, she was still hugging me that was the cute part.
I heard a faint knock on the door and Finneas walked in, he saw y/n asleep and spoke in a quiet voice.
"That is adorable." He pointed at y/n.
"Anyway Bil we gotta go, i can carry her if you wanna keep her asleep."
I nodded and layed y/n down on the sofa.
Finneas walked over and lifter her up and followed me out the door to the car.

Finneas sat in the front with the driver and I sat in the backseat with y/n layed on my lap still asleep. Y/n had to go home tommorow. But I really don't want her to go, there is still four months left of the tour. The only other time we can see eachother is in two months. But thats long away.

When we arrived back at the hotel, y/n was still asleep. But I decided to carry her as I only basically had to go to the lift. I opened the door and put y/n on the bed, gently taking her shoes off and getting her changed into some pyjamas.

The flight back to LA was at midday so she had time to pack her bag in the morning. I soon after got undressed and put on a baggy shirt, sliding into bed next to y/n.

In the middle of the night I woke up to her wrapping her arms around me, big spooning me, I smiled and went back to sleep feeling protected.

So I will probably get another chapter out tommorow. But I have a really good Idea coming up and ik excited about it. 🙂

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