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y/n pov:

I'ts been two days since that conversation with Billie happened. I think she's listened to me and stopped talking to me.

But, i dont know if i want her gone aymore.
If i were to forgive Billie wouldnt that be playing with her emotions. Before i make any decisions, i think i need some time to think.

Ok. If Billie makes the first move, ill try again and hopeflly help her.

Billie pov:

Okay, im going to go over there even if it is quatre to midnight, i need to talk with her.
I slid on my Nike shoes and wend out the door silently so that my parents or Finneas didnt wake up.

Y/n's front door was locked and im not suprised, im tired as fuck.
But her window was slightly open, so i was going to get in that way. Her bedroom wasont he bottom floor so it wasnt really a challenge to open it and climb in, i kinda concerned for her safety. When i looked around the room i realised how much it changed since the last time i was here. The walls were no longer pink but a coffee brown, there was gold fairy lights lining the room. Y/n had really changed, a good change. Pink didnt suit her.
Y/n walked in with her hair still damp from her shower.

"Jesus Eilish you scared me!" She noticed the window fully open and looked at me kind of shocked, like i didnt used to do it all the time.
"Hey sorry, i came here to apologise."
"At five past midnight?"
"yeah." i smiled at her, y/n was so beautiful. But i wouldnt get with her, like i said i like men.
"Okay then."
"Oh yeah, sorry for leaving only to do drugs,"
"Im sorry that you had to see me do it,"
"Im sorry you had to walk home, i-"

I started to break down crying, i never wanted this for myself. I never meant to become addicted and hurt so many people including myself.

Y/n came over and hugged me, she didnt say anything else and just let me cry on her shoulder.

"I want to stop y/n but i cant, ive already done to much damage."
"Its ok ill help you. Im sorry for leaving you to deal with this by yourself."

y/n pov:

I feel awful for leaving her to deal with this by herself. When she started crying i realised that i could of helped her, but i took the coward way out. When we pulled apart from the hug, she looked at me in the eyes and smiled.
Her eyes were like blue daimonds she was beautiful.

Ive never thaught about dating a girl, my mind was always completely shut of towards the idea. But all the times ive had sex with men i kind of forced myself to enjoy it, but with girls. Theyre all so effortlessly beautiful.

Billie Eilish was beautiful.

But im not a lesbian right? Maybe bisexual, with a preference of men, yeah.

Even if i do love Billie like that she wouldnt like me back, even if so the chances of us getting together are very slim.

"Billie do you wanna go to the beach tommorow, so we can respark the freindship?"
"I would love to, but im kind of famous."
"Oh yeah haha."
"How about to Hyland park tommorow night y/n!"

Of course she chooses night time so she can be the dom, im not complaining though.

"Ok cool, can i sleep now?"
"Yeah sure."
While Billie climbed out the windoe she whispered something, "try not to dream about me."
At first i wondered if she knew i found her attractive, but she let out a little laugh at the end, which kinda calmed down my nerves.

Next day.

hey y/n i was wondering if we're still meeting tonight?

read 12:26

why, you wanna bail? 🖕😁🖕

read 12:27

no lol, do you????

read 12:27

no, why did you ask anyway?

read 12:28

I was just wondering cuz im about to pick up snacks and i need to know if your gunna bail on me. :)

read 12:30

Nope sorry, guess your stuck with me.

read 12:32

Uh definetly not excited. cya :)

read 12:36

okay now i have to plan what to wear to a park late at night,

Billie pov;

Takis: check.

Now i gotta remember what y/n likes to eat. Watermelon? Chocolate? Doritos? I couldnt decide so i got all three. Im picking up y/n in an hour so i have to hurry the hell up.

I paid for the food, took some pictures with fans, then drove back to my place and got chaged into some sweatpants and a hoodie.
Were only freinds right, so i didnt need to get all fancy. I braided my hair and threw on basically every single peice of jewellry i own.

It was now 2 am. At this point its regular time to go out for us, as freinds.

I climbed through y/ns window to see her also in sweatpants and a hoodie, but she suited it so much better. I dont even know how but she looked perfect.

"Hey Billieee, daymn you look fire!"
"Thanks y/n, so do you. Were kinda matching."
"Thats probably why we both look great."

She looked so beautiful. I had to tell her,

"y/n your the most georgous person ive ever seen."

She didnt say anything back, did i say it at the wrong time?
Y/n walked over and hugged me.
But it felt compassionate, i dont know how but it did. Ive come to a conclusion.

I dont like men anymore, well i knew that ages ago. I love women and i really like y/n

y/n pov:

I really like Billie. Like really like, more than a freind.

But im not going make anymoves yet, but Billie is acting like she likes me back. I dont know, but lets go on this date. I mean freinds getting together.

A freinds date :)


A/n :

This while chapter was deleted so I had to re write it but it ended up turning out better. But yayyyy things are finally happeninggggggg 😁😁😁😁

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