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Billie pov:

I'm leaving today. Me and y/n haven't talked since our little date night, I think she's just sad I'm leaving. I might be totally wrong but you know.

I decided to invite zoe over because once I leave I won't see her either.
She's going to be here in 20 minutes.

I looked into y/ns window and she was sat infront of the mirror brushing her hair with MY hairbrush. How did she even det that?!

Y/n pov:

Billie's music was blasting around my room as I brushed my hair. We are at such such good place and I know that after the first week I'm going to miss her badly. So I took her hairbrush as a peice of her with me.

I don't know if she'd mind but I took it anyway.

I looked into the corner of my mirror to see Billie looking at me through the window, I think she saw her hairbrush because her jaw was dropped.

*5 minuets later*

I was laying on my bed scrolling through Instagram looking at all of Billie comments and tags. Sometimes I forget shes famous and its weird to see fanpages of her on my feed.

My door flung open and in came Billie.

Her hair was in a messy bun and she was still in her pyjamas, but somehow she still looked beautiful.

"Y/n have you seen my hairbrush?" She leaned on the doorway with a half smile on her face.
Our eyes both looked at her brush on the floor and both went for it.

Our fingers overlapped eachother as she grabbed the brush before me.

I crossed my arms and sat back on the bed watching as Billie sat down infront of my mirror starting to brush her hair.

"Stop sulking" Billie laughed and threw the brush beside me after she finished.

"Thank youuuu!" I smiled.
"Why do you want it anyway?"
"So I can have a peice of you when your gone."

Billie seemed hurt, I didnt mean to though.

"How about you have one of my hoodie instead so I can brush my hair."
She giggled and laced her fingers with mine .

We walked to her house and went to her bedroom.

"Ok so what one do you want?" Billie flicked through her wardrobe pulling out all her hoodies. I felt so special.

"Ooh can I have that one?"

I pointed to a red coloured hoodie with a blohsh in the middle.

She smiled and chucked her hoodie to me. I put it on straight away taking in her scent kf warm vanilla.

"Um zoe is going to come over soon to watch a movie, do you wanna join?"

"Yeah, I'd love to! Are we watching a horror again?"

"Well yeah. I wanna hug you when you get scared, it's cute."

My cheeks were hot and my stomach had butterflys. Billie really hot me feeling some type of way.

Her arms snaked around my waist and I placed my arms on her shoulders.

"I really like you y/n." Billies hot breath hit my skin, it felt good.

"I really like you too Bil."

Before I knew it her lips crashed down on mine.

Billies hands remained on my waist as I gently placed my hands on her cheeks.

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