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Billie pov:

It's been months since I've seen y/n and my tour is finally over. Obviously I've been messaging her and facetim8ng her, but it's not the same.

It's 1pm and I'm on my way home.

I cant wait to hug her and kiss her again!

Ten minuets away and I got butterflys thinking about her. How she didn't know 8 was on my way home.

We're back.

I had to help put the cases in the house but as soon as I got mine in my bedroom, Mom let me go.

The front door practically slammed shut and I ran over to y/ns door, my parents and finneas stood outside the house probably here for us reuniting haha.

When the door opened y/n stood half asleep in her pyjamas.
But she quickly realised I was there and lept in my arms.


I was cut off my her kissing me and slightly crying.

A slight round of applause came from my family and they went inside after saying hello to y/n.

All I can think of right now is how much I want to do it with her.

I think she feels like it too, her grabs of my hips were rough.

We walked inside and I locked the door holding y/ns hand.

"So wheres your mum?"
"Shes outta Town." She smirked a little, "and it's just us here."

She walked over and held my cheeks and began kissing me roughly.

After a little while of giving her control, I slowly backed her up against the wall and held her there by her waist.

My knee slid between her thighs and she gently held a clump of my hair.

I could feel her two heart beats pumping all through her body and her breath beginning to get heavy.

My hands took her down from the wall and slowly got her undressed in the middle of her hallway. Untill she was just in her underwear, she began doing it to me too.

Soon we were both almost naked in the middle of her house. Our kiss continued as she tried to guide us to her bedroom, but I had other ideas.

My hand took hers and I took her to the kitchen. She looked me in the eyes in sight shock, or just confused.

I picked her up and sat her on the kitchen island, our lips reconnected again.

As we continued to make, two fingers slid up the sides of her bra. Seconds later gliding to the back and unclasped her bra. Being the copycat she was, my bra was flung on the floor like hers.

I pushed y/n down onto the counter by her chest so she was laying down, her legs still dangling off the surface.

My teeth grabbed hold of the lacy underwear and slowly pulled them down. I looked and y/ns chest moving faster and faster as I tore the underwear the rest of the way down her legs.

Under my breath I whispered, "God I missed this."

A breathy moan fell out of her mouth and I smiled teasingly.

My hands held her thigh slowly traveling upwards to her heat. But I stopped midway knowing it would be a tease.

I jumped on the counter between her legs and bent down a kissed her body slowly from her ribs to hips, every now and then leaving a purple hickey.

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