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Billie pov:

I think y/n is a little paranoid about me not answering. I woke up to about five messages from her, I know I didn't text her but I was so jetlagged I couldn't.

Y/n im so sorry I didn't message you, I'm alive though 😁❤

Read 1:12pm [UK]

Bil why didn't you message me?? I thaught something bad happened I was worried. X

Read 1:13pm [UK]

I felt really bad, I could of just messaged her. It would of taken 2 minuets.

I'm really sorry y/n, I was too jetlagged to message, as soon as I got off the plane I went to sleep. X

Read 1:15pm [UK]

y/n 💕
It's ok Bil but try message me next time your on a flight. X

Read 1:17pm [UK]

Okay xxx

Read 1:18pm [UK]

I threw my phone on the bed and I decided to get dressed. I slid on some baggy trousers and a short from my merch collection, still oversized. I didnt bring anything of y/n because I didn't think I was going to miss her so much, but I was wrong and now I have nothing of hers.

As I brushed my hair Finneas walked in, you could tell he hadn't slept an hour, In LA right now it's  around 5-6 am. So he hadn't had any sleep for 24 hours.

"Oh my god Finneas you look bad."
"Wow thanks Billie." He laughed under his breath.
"Bro you need to go to bed if your gunna be performing with me tommorow."
"Its fine, because if I sleep now ill still be jetlagged tommorow. I'll sleep when it gets dark."
"Fine but if you pass out on the ground, I'll laugh."

My mom and dad went to a restaurant down the road, which is a bad idea for me to do. So me and Finneas decided we were going to visit some shops on the Street.

More fans stopped me here than back at home, probably because they know I don't live here and I'd have to leave soon.

I walked into the gucci store and I heard Finneas snicker behind me.

"What you bozo?"
"You said we were going to go to small shops, then you go into gucci. You a rich bitch."
"Shut up."

I only ended up buying one thing, a pair of shoes that were black with green gems wrapping across it.

"Finneas I should dye my hair this colour some day"
"What green and black, sick!"

Right now my hair is turquoise, it was blue but I've been trying to get it out ready for my new era. I'm trying to dye my hair black

Finneas went back to the hotel and I went for the hairdresser where I was going to try again with getting out the blue.

While I was waiting at the book in desk I decided I was going to message y/n. I think it would be 8am at home.

Guess what y/n! X

Read 4:18pm [UK]

Y/n 💕
Your dying your hair!!! X

Read 4:22 pm [UK]

What how did you knoww?!?!? X

Read 4:26



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