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Y/n pov:

I woke up to the ringing of my alarm on my phone and Billie holding my waist from behind. I looked at the time and it said 5am, I was still ontime but I needed to pack my things because I didn't do it last night.

I slipped out of her arms and rummaged through my suitcase to find an outfit to wear. Knowing that I was going to be a long flight, all I wore was sweats and my playboy chain.

As I was folding all my clothes into the case, I watched as Billies eyes fluttered open and a groan leaving her mouth.
"Morning baby."
She had a morning voice which was really hot. Billie climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom pecking me on the lips as she walked by.
My stomach filled with butterflys again.

Billie walked out in basketball shorts and a baggy shirt, her neck was covered in silver chains and rings covered every single finger. Billies flight was at midday, so she had time to get ready. Her next show was in Miami, so it was really far away. I hate this long distance thing.

We both slid our shoes on and Billie helped me carry my luggage out to the corridor.

"Thank you Bil, I'm just gunna run in and say bye to Finneas and your parents."

They're all usually up at this time, so it didn't suprise me when I saw them all piled into Finneas' room. They were talking about the flights and how they were going to get to Miami.

"Hey guys, I'm gunna go to the airport now."

All of them came up to me and gave me a hug goodbye and wished me a good flight.

"It was nice having you y/n, oh can you tell Claudia that I love her."

"Awww you guys are cute  yes of course."

I waved goodbye and exited the door, now back into the hall with Billie who was on Instagram. Her head looked up and she smiled.

Billies hand slid down my arm and she laced her fingers with mine. I wheeled my suitcase across the hall and to the elevator. When the doors opened, two Billie stans were inside. They were frozen at the sight of their idol standing right infront of them holding hands with a random girl. Billie quickly tore her hand away from mine obviously not wanting her fans to know. It kinda felt upsetting, was she embarrassed of us? Was I embarresing?

After she took pictures and talked to them for a little bit, they walked away still in shock and crying.

Billie went to go hold hands with me again, but before she could I whipped my hand away from hers.

"Woah, why won't you hold hands?"
"I could ask you the same question."

I walked infront of her into the elevator dragging my suitcase behind me.

"What did you say baby?"

Slowly she walked in towards me making me step back.  Untill I was against the back of the lift. A smirk grew on her lips as her hand slowly grabbed onto my neck. She firmed her grip leaving ringmarks on my skin, but it didn't hurt. I liked it. Butterflys refilled my stomach and my cheeks flushed red. Her hand pushed my hip back so it was leaning against the wall. She parted her lips and slowly came down to my ear.

"Why did you say y/n?"

I smirked back and held Billies waist firmly. She quickly kissed my lips and slid her tounge in my mouth. The doors closed and we continued to kiss eachother.
After we parted our lips, Billies hand remained on my neck but she slightly adjusted her fingers. Gently, she pecked my lips once more and let go of my neck. When the doors opened she held hands with me, now not caring who saw us.

Billie had Finneas' keys for the rental car. So, we wouldnt have to awkwardly sit in the back of a taxi for half an hour.
She lifted the the boot open and helped my place my cases inside.
"I don't want you to gooo."
Billie held my hands swinging our arms back and forth.
I agreed woth her and we got in the car and Billie drove off.

Billie pov:

Right now we're ten minuets away from the airport. Y/n flight was in forty minuets and there was no traffic today. But she still needed to do security and that shit so we were basically on time.
I cant beleive y/n is already going home.

We pulled up to the airport and I parked the car. Y/n had no time to chill with me, she was on time and she couldn't be late.

We took her bag out the car and I walked her to the drop off point.
Y/n stopped and turned to me, "I'm gunna miss you Bil."

My heart broke as I realised this would be the last time I see her for months.

I kissed her lips and pulled her in for a hug.

"Call me when you can and text me after your flight."

I looked into her eyes, I couldn't help but ask her the question. It just slipped out my mouth.

"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?"

Her face lit up and I realised what I had just done.

"You don't have to say yes, obviously. It a free would haha."

"Billie of course I will."

I smiled wide and excitedly grabbed her waist, hugging her and kissing her again in-between.

"Okay, I gotta go."
"Okay, text me later girlfriend."
"Your so cheesy Bil oh my god!"

Y/n walked off smiling and waving untill she was out of sight.

__________________________A/n I know I having been posting stfu I'm trying

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I know I having been posting stfu I'm trying.

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