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Billie pov:

There's three hours left of the flight and I needed to go to the bathroom. I was in the middle row so this was going to be fun.

I almost made it untill one girl wearing some of my merch realised and followed me to the bathroom. I soon realised and stopped and turned to face her, it was obvious she was nervous.

"Hey Billie sorry for disturbing you, but I love you and your music so much."

Tears formed in her eyes and I smiled, she actually was a fan and not one of those fakers.

"Oh my god your so precious, come here!"

I pulled her in for a hug and she cried on my shoulder.

"What's your name Angel?"
"My names Taylor, Taylor y/l/n"
"I have a g-, I mean close freind at home with that last name!"

We talked for another five minuets after that and it turned out she was actually travelling to my concert in London. I gave her access to a backstage pass because she was so nice and evidently was a stan.
She took a picture with me and I went to th bathroom.

There was no other people that stopped me untill I got back to my seat, that girl Taylor was nice though and she looed about 18 like me.

Y/n pov:

Me and Zoe arrived at some vegan cafe across town. Zoe said its Billies favourite, I ordered a warm chocolate brownie an so did zoe.

"So have you and Billie had sex yet?"

I choked on a bit of my brownie and zoe started laughing at me.

"Um OK no, no we have not. We'll not yet."

I cant beleive I just said that to Billies best freind, but I won't have sex with Billie. It's not going to be that serious. I know that's what I said about kissing her, but I dont think we're going to have sex. How do two girls have sex anyway?

"You guys definetly would of in the next week if B didn't have to leave."
"Oh yeah I didn't tell you Zoe, I'm gunna go suprise Bil at her fourth show in England!"
"Omg yess, when is it?!"
"Its still a month away, but atleast I get to see her in-between! Do you wanna come with?"
"I would love to but I'm going on holiday with my boyfreind."

Just then Finneas walked into the cafe with a woman walking next to him. I think that was his girlfriend because he always talking about her, and described her in much detail.

"Hey y/n, this is Claudia my girlfriend. Claudia this is y/n Billies....Girlfriend? Or maybe love interest."

I stood up and me and Claudia hugged hello.

"Ooh so this is the girl Billie talks about, well she was right you are beautiful!"
"Thank you! You fit Finneas' description perfectly, your georgous!!"

They both smiled at me and Zoe and sat down next to us. They ordered an ice cream to share, which I think is very cute.

"So y/n whats the tea on you and Billie?"
I hope me and Claudia become freinds because she does seem nice.

"Well I mean we're not official but im not going to see anyone else."

"Oh never will Billie, she literally obsessed with you."

I blushed, and smiled with my eyes.

"Y/n your blushing so hard right now!"
Zoe said while everyone joined in laughing only making me smile more.

"Y/n do you wanna come back with us when you two finish your park walk? If that's OK with you Finneas?"

"Yeah of course Claud," the way Finneas and Claudia looked at eachother made my heart warm, "y/n I can show you the music set up!"

"Yeah OK sure, Zoe is that o-"
"Shoot y/n I gotta go, I completely forgot about my interview. I'm really sorry we can go to hyland Park next time?"
"Yeah sure Zoe, now go before your late!"

I looked back at Claudia when Zoe left the cafe and she was looking at me with her sunglasses on.

"I guess your coming with us lady!"

Billies pov:

The plane landed and me and my family had to wait in our private seating area so that the security could get to us. I was half asleep on the chair. The jet lag was awful, in America it was 7pm and in England it was 5am. There was probably going to be no fans at the airport at this time, kindof bittersweet because I wanna meet them but also don't wanna get mobbed.

I didn't think straight away to text y/n because I was do tired. All I needed to do was text her but I didn't have any energy left to even pick up my phone.

I woke up in my hotel room, I guess my sacristy guard carried me in because I fell asleep. Tommorow Finneas was going to fly out here to do the show with me the day after. So I have two days in London before the show, I wasn't going to do all those touristy things like going to Buckingham Palace or anything like that. I might even just chill in my room, but first I need to go to the store for food.

Y/n pov:

Finneas and Claudia's house was beautiful, I gave me Greece vibes. Or maybe Itallian, nethertheless it was stunning.

Me and Claudia was sat having a convosation about our lifestyles and Claudia gold ball bruise, Finneas was packing to leave for Billies tour.

"Wait Claud, we're both gunna be left alone by our love interests!"
"Omg yess, we can just cry together."

We both started laughing and I think Finneas heard us becuase we hears him laugh in the bedroom.

"Y/n has Billie messaged you yet?"
"No but I think she's still on her flight."
"No it ended three hours ago, it's 10pm!"

I felt kind of sad or worried, why didn't she message me? Did her plane crash? Does she not like me anymore? I'm overthinking again arnt I.

I check my phone and clicked onto Billies contact.

Hey Bil, have you landed? X

Delivered 10:06

Billie? X

Delivered 10:15

Are you annoyed with me? X

Delivered 10:18

Why haven't you messaged me

Delivered 10:26

You promised me you would

Delivered 10:35


Delivered 10:57

Okay whatever.

Read 10:59

I waited for a reply after she opened it for ten minuets, at that point I just gave up. It was late anyway I needed tonget home.

"Billies not answering and she's opened a message so she's alive."

I looked at Claudia and stuck my bottom lip out.

"Anyway I gotta go home to sleep."
"Y/n you can stay the night if you want, there's a spare bedroom. Billie usually sleeps in it when her and Finneas make music late."
"Okay, if its no trouble!"
"No not at all!"

Claudia led me to a room covered in plants and golden decor, it was so pretty.
I ended up just going straight to bed in the end, i was upset about Billie though. She said shes message me. What was she doing?

Heyy I did end up posting another one. Ima start writing the next on eso it should be out soon. ALSO DID BILLIE JUST COME OUT?!?!?!

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