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Y/n pov:

I woke up at Danielles. Still with white powder circling my nose and still feeling a little out of it. But I felt calm, I felt good.

I stayed laying down on her sofa half out of it, when I quickly snapped back into reality when Claudia came in the room.
I wiped the powder off my nose and looked at her. Claudia was in utter shock and was evidently upset, it's understandable because so am I.

"I'll see you in the car."

That was all she said before she walked out.

Dani came in snickering under her breath as she came towards me and held out her hand.


"Do you really think I'd supply drugs for free?"

I pulled out my wallet and handed her a few hundred dollars. Why did I do cocaine?
Weed I would be okay with, but heavy ass shit like that I'm not okay with.

I picked up my shoes and went out to  the car woth Claudia. She didn't even turn to face me when I shut the door.

"Had fun doing coke?"

I was expecting this reaction.

"I know Claudia I'm sorry, I didnt mean to do heavy drugs."

"So you went there to do drugs, just not heavy drugs."

"No i-"

"Y/n im one of your closest freinds and I wouldn't mind tou doing weed. But just tell me before you go off with some girl that is obviously not a good person to be around."

"I didnt think I would do any sort of drugs. When she first offered I said no b-"

"But after the second time you decided it was okay?"

"No Claudia, I know it's not okay. I will not do it again I promise. I was just feeling lonely and being high relaxed me okay, chill."

After a few seconds of silence she gave me a hug.

"Fine. But please don't do it again and tell Billie what happened."

Tell Billie? How in the world am I supposed to do that when I made her stop herself. She would be so dissapointed in me and I'm really not prepared for that.

I wasn't going to message her in the end but I think Claudia caught on.

"We are not leaving till you tell her."

I sighed loudly and opened my messages, Billie had messaged me throughout the night. But I didn't answer because I was..kind of out of it.

Y/n sorry I haven't spoken since I landed, jetlagged. Xxx

Delivered 11:23pm

Don't give me silent treatmenttt xxx

Delivered 11:29pm

Y/n. Xx

Delivered 11:34pm

Hellooooooo x

Delivered 11:38

Delivered 11:42

Delivered 11:45pm

Billie I have something to tell u xxx

Read 9:12am

Omfg y/n! Why didn't you message me back baby? Yeah what is it? Xxx

Read 9:13

Okay so I was asleep haha. But um I have to tell you because Claudia won't go without me telling you. Anyway so I went over to Danis and long story short, I kinda smoked weed and did a little bit of coke. I'm really sorry. Xxx

Read 9:16

What the fuck. Why the fuck are you hanging out with Dani at all?! Why the fuck did you do drugs!?

Read 9:18

She asked if I wanted to go to a party and I said yes because I needed a distraction because you were still gunna be gone. Then it turned out Dani just invited me over and basically she offered me weed twice. At first I didn't take it but then she offered again and yeah. Then it just went uphill, im really sorry Billie. Xxx

Read 9:19

I'll fucking kill that bitch.

Read 9:21

Once again my phone died after not putting it on charge last night. Typical.

Claudia drove off but she was silent the whole journey back, I feel so ashamed right now.

Usually I would go to hers for a talk or some shit like that but she dropped me off straight away at my house. Claudia was annoyed my I didn't blame her.

Walking into the empty home,i threw myself on the sofa, thinking about last night and how for some reason I enjoyed it.

I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone and put it on charge. The stench of weed was attached to my body, so I flung my clothes in the wash and jumped in tbe shower.

The conditioner leaked out my hair and I went to grab the body wash.
As I rubbed the solution all over my body, a sharp pain came from the bottom of my stomach.

My eyes shot down to see a twenty centermeter cut lining my hips. Tears sprung from my eyes as the sting made me scream.

Danielle did this, while I was asleep. I shouldn't have gone there and she shouldn't of hurt me.

The water cleaned my cut and I ran out of the shower in a towel. I went to my bedroom and got my phone to text Billie.

I took a picture and sent it. Billie couldn't open it as she had a show, but I explained everything to her.

The bleeding from the wound had stopped but I definetly needed stitches.

Even though she just left, I called Claudia and told her about what had happened.

She agreed and said she'd come right away.

For now, I put on a thin bandage as it was the only one in the house. I put on loose clothes and waited for Claudia to pull up.

I'm currently walking home writing this right now lolz. But yeah it's the weekend now so I can put out a chapter soon. :)

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