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Billie pov:

I woke up to y/n in my arms. The plan is today. Although it's not really okay, I want to do it. If I do this I can stay with her forever, no-one can get in the way again ever again.

I watched as she slowly opened her eyes and smile as she saw me staring.

"Morning." I had to take a second to think of how to word it, I was thinking about tit all night. "I have to take you somewhere tonight."

She looked confused.

"Huh were."

"Its a suprise."
I made it serious by not smiling.

"Um I don't know Billie, my mom's coming home tonight and I wanna be here when she does."

"Y/n I set this while thing up for the past couple days, can you please come."

".....okay fine, what's wrong bil?"

I didn't realise but I was staring at her with a blanc face, maybe it was the thaught of tonight that put me down. Or maybe I'm just too excited to show any sign of emotion.

"Nothings wrong y/n, I was just daydreaming."

I paused trying to think of a way to phrase this.

"Y/n there's something I need to tell you, when we go to the place you might be thinking one thing but it's completely the opposite ok, just remember that."

I flipped the covers off and got out of the bed to the kitchen. The counter was still...dirty from the other day. So I washed it down and got a bowl to make cereal.

My phone buzzed and Danielles name came up.

Hey Billie, heard your home. When are you taking her there?

Read 9:34

At like 7ish. Make sure your there or this while plan is fucked OK.

Read 9:35

I never let you down bil.

Read 9:36

I know. Don't make it the first time you have.

Read 9:37

I put my phone on the counter making sure it had locked.

Y/n walked round the corner with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"So bil, can you give me a clue on what it is?"

"Nope, top secret"
I smiled wide hoping it would change the conversation.

"Do you want breakfast?"

She thought for a second, "No thanks bil I'm not that hungry."

I raised my eyebrow and nodded my head.

She walked out of the room, y/n is probably annoyed that I didn't tell her.

Half an hour later I walked into the living room and y/n was on her phone.

"Hey y/nn."

We were acting like an old married couple, even though yesterday.

I bent over the sofa and pecked her on the lips.

"I'm gunna go out for a minuet."
"Okay, can you pick me up some paracetamol."
"Yeah sure babe."

I picked up my keys and left the house and began to drive to my destination.

20 mims later*

I saw dani standing in the doorway, excitedly I swung open the car door and ran too her. She pulled me into a long hug as I pressed my lips against her cheek.

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