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Billies pov:

It's okay Billie its not like youre going on a date, you're just freinds. Dont think too much into it.

I held open the car door for y/n jokingly bowing as if im her butler, well she found it funny. But what if it made it awkward. Stop this Billie, your a bad bitch.

I put my foot on the gas and we drove off towards Hyland Park. I could tell y/n was a little worried about going at this time of night, i placed my hand on her thigh attempting to reassure her that it was ok. Y/n placed her warm hand ontop of mine and gave me a thankful half smile.

This girl man.

Y/n pov:

She has to think of me more than a freind, hand on the thigh?! I love the way things are going for us, yes.

But i dont know if im completely ready for this, its only been a day since Billie has been off cocaine. At any moment she could start again and my emotions will be punished for it.
Ill help her get through it as a freind and then we'll talk relationships.

We soon arrived and i grabbed the food as she grabbed the drinks and the blanket. I didnt dare leave her side, no im not a child just terrified of darkness, it will be the death of me.

"Y/n dont be scared its just trees and grass."
"okay, but whats in the trees and grass huh?"
I didnt look at Billies face but i knew she was doing one of her smirks.
"very funny Bil."
"Oooooh Bil, i like that nickname."

She placed down the blanket perfectly on the grass under the moon, all my favourite snacks were layed out infront of us next to Billie's takis. We were talking about our memories together, like the time we both got stung by yellowjackets when we went camping and the time we went to miami toether. It made me realise how special Billie is to me, as a person in general. When Billie finally gets over this addiction, she'll be a wonderful person.

I realised we'd been out for an two hours just talking

"Y/n can i tell you something?"
"Sure, anything."
"Okay um, i kinda like you. Like like you."

I didnt know what to say, i'm not ready to move this fast with her, of course i like her back. I dont know what to do.

Billie pov:

Shit shit shit. Did i say it at the wrong time? I knew it, y/n deosnt like me back. She's straight.

"I like you to Bil."

A wave or releif rushed over me. What do i do now? Should i kiss her?

"But i dont know if im ready just yet."
"You know what." I took a slight pause to compose myself, "Its fine whenever your ready."
My arms wrapped around her waist and we hugged for what felt like forever.

"Okay, i need to get back before my mum gets up."
"Billie, Maggie wont care if you stay out late. You know it."

Y/n packed up the food while i put the blanket and drinks back, we drove home every now and then giving eachother smiles.
I went through the front door and snuck past Finneas' room, butobviously not quiet enough becuase he caught me walking by.

"Where were you miss Eilish?"
"With y/n."
"Mhm doing what?"
"We went to the park and had a picnic."
"Are you sure?"
"Bro, im pretty sure."
"Did anything else happen."
"I told her i like her."
"Woah. Since when were you gay?!"
"Since y/n"
"Fair enough, you kids get some sleep though okay. Just go in the morning so youre not deprived of sleep."
"Shuuutttt the fuck up Fin. Night."

He closed the door flashing me a smile as i walked to my redly lit room.
I got changed into and oversized shirt with my underwear under, then got into bed.
Untill there was a knock on the window, it was her. The beautiful girl i just on a date with, damn she really cant get enough of me.

"Hey y/n what's up?"
"Hey Bil um, so my window is hut and the front door is locked. I was wondering, if it isnt too much trouble, if i can sleep...with you...tonight."
"Yeah of course, but i dont have a spare bed so your gunna have to sleep with me. Not trying to flex but my bed is a Queen so it'll be okay."

She climbed in, still wearing the clothes from the park. I gave her one of my shirts and some shorts to wear and she climbed into bed woth me.

"Just like old times." she said staring at the celing.

I gave her a grin as we both fell asleep next to eachother.

I didnt try anything that night, no kiss or anything like that. But it was peacefull, it felt right.



Heyyy so lost cause is out today ahh.
I'm going to try put out a chapter everyday and there might be multiple a day cuz im kinda obsessed with it rn 😀

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