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Billie pov:

A month has gone by since our date and I haven't done drugs or drunked any alcohol at all.

We've been hanging out with eachother basically everyday, I can't get enough of her.

Hey y/n, I was wondering if you wanna have dinner round mine? I've got something to tell you 😕

Read 9:04 am

Sure Bil, why the front face whats wrong??

Read 9:05 am

Don't worry I'll tell you when you get here. I mean now you don't have to climb through the window to get a glance at me 😉

Read 9:06 am

Stfu it was one time! Says you, I caught you glancing at me yesterday. 😂

Read 9:08 am

Yeah yeah okay. Hurry up and get over hereeeee.

Read 9:11 am

Correct me if im wrong but I swear dinner isn't at 9:15 in the morning?

Read 9:16

I know I just want to see you.

Read 9:19

Okayyyyy fine, I'm coming over now.

Read 9:21

I have no idea how I'm going to tell y/n I have to go on tour for five months. If I could have it my way I would bring her with me, but I cant. There isn't enough room and y/n has a funeral to go to in the middle of it.

It was some old aunt of hers.

Y/n pov:

I'm going over to Billie's and for the first time through her front door. I only wore comfy clothes because im not going to dress fancy for the while day.

I went to her red front door and entered without taking my eyes off my phone, I was looking back at our messages, a habit I've seemed to pick up.

Maggie came round the corner and embraced me with a hug and a smile. You can always Cound on Maggie to cheer up your day. She told me Billie was in her bedroom and that dinner would be ready at 6. So we had time to chill.

I walked in and Billie was lying on her bed in just a top and underwear. At this point it was normal to see her wearing it.

"Hey y/n, you look cute."
"Thanks B, your looking fine as always."

She got up and snaked her arms around my waist hugging me tightly.

"Um y/n I have to tell you something."
"Your gay I know."
"Damn Is it really that obvious." We both knew at this point were both at some level gay.

"So I'm going on tour soon for five months, so I'm not going to be able to see you. I've tried to get you to go with me but there isn't enough beds and you have to go to your aunts thing. I'm really sorry y/n."

I couldn't possess what I was hearing, she was going away? I'm not going to be able to see my Billie for five months! Tears started forming in my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away.

"Y/n im so sorry, come here."
Billie pulled me in for a long hug, im going to miss her and I know it.

"Hey, why don't we watch a movie to get our mind off things." Billie always knew how to cheer me up, sometimes it was a little weird.
"Okay, but only if its a not a horror film."
"Too late."
She grinned at me as IT started playing on her TV.

I cant beleive what was happening right now. Me and Billie Eilish were cuddling on her bed in her red bedroom while watching a horror film. I'm so glad to have Billie, shes not rushing me with anything. But we haven't even kissed yet, should we have kissed yet.

If she were to kiss me I'd kiss back.

A jumpscare came up and my while body tensed up. Billie hugged me tighter and my body relaxed, I felt so safe in her arms. It felt right.

Should I be the one to kiss her?

"B, when do you leave for tour?" I broke the silence of the film.
"Um, in about three days."
"I was too scared to tell you, I'm sorry."
"Well it looks like we're going to have to spend alot of time together."

Billies pov:

I need to kiss her before I leave, but what if she isn't ready and we grow apart.

I'll wait for her.

After the movie we played a game of twister and I won of course. At this point it was 3:45.

"What shall we do now y/n?"
"Oh, can i go to my room so I can get a change of clothes for dinner."
"Sure, I'll come with you."

We walked over to y/n's and went to her room. I flopped onto her bed as she got out some options to wear. A black dress and black jumpsuit.

"Which one?"
"Ummm try them on and I'll give my opinion."

I thaught she way going to leave for the bathroom, but y/n had grown some confidence. Her hoodie was flung to the floor and her laced bra was on display. After that she took off her bottoms revealing a matching bottom to the set.
She slipped on the black dress and it suited her perfectly.

"So, how do I look?"
"You look-," my eyes wondered her body. "You look perfect, but you can just wear the comfy clothes if you want. You look great in both."

She got undressed again and got back into her comfy clothes. How am I going to be able to leave this girl for five months?

We went back to my sexy ass bedroom at layed on my bed talking to eachother about how much we're going to facetime and how exciting it will be to see eachother again.

It was now 6:14 and dinner was ready.

Y/n pov:

Me and Billie walked in the dining room together smelling the vegan platter of food on the table.

"Maggie this smells amazing."
"Thank you darling, you two look good together."
Billie's eyes widened, "mom were not together."
Patrick walked through the door, "yet"
"Okay since when is everyone estimating my relationship with y/n."
"Chill Billie, let loose." Finneas gave me a quick glance gesturing that me and Billie would be great together, I dont blame him though. We would be great.

An hour later we finished dinner and me and Billie went back to her room, I helped her pack her clothes for when she goes on tour.
It was now 10:36

"I should get going Bil, it's getting late."
"Okay y/n, I'll walk you out."

We got to her front door and I kissed her lightly on the cheek. I was getting more comftorble with Billie and I was loving it.
She kissed me on the cheek back, flashing her white teeth when she smiled at me.

I'll kiss her on the lips soon, before she leaves. I have to, for me and her.


OMFGG 'lost cause' IS AMAZING OML AND THE MUSIC VIDEO UHHHHH. Anyway kind of dying rn. And y/n is starting to warm up to billieee. 😁😁

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