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Y/n pov:

I wasn't supposed to suprise her this early, but I wasn't complaining. I've missed her so much, and I missed kissing her so much.

Her lips fell on mine once more, Billie smiled into our kiss and it made my cheeks hot.

"Awww your blushing!"

I rested my head on her chest and hugged her waist. Billie rested her chin on my head and hugged me back.

"I missed you so much y/n."
"I missed you too, can we go upstairs and sleeeep?"

She laughed gently and nodded her head. I think she understood how jetlagged I was, our fingers laced together as we walked to the lift.

Billie had the penthouse so we had to go to the very top floor, I rested my head on her shoulder and she kissed my head.

We went into her room and the veiw was amazing. The whole of London was below, the balcony had a hot tub on it aswell.

I was staring out side when Billie picked me up by my waist and slammed me down on the bed. It scared the shit out of me so I screamed really loud. I laughed and Billie leaned ontop of me smiling and kissing me.

Her hands slid under my shirt and held my waist as we kissed even more. I held the top of her hands and guided them upwards untill she was touching my bra. She detached her lips and looked into my eyes smirking.

I slowly leaned up to her ear and whispered, "I need sleep."
I slid backwards from underneath Billies arms and got under the covers. I faced her looking at her dropped jaw.

"D-did you just..tease me?"
"Yep, get used to it"
I winked and ushered Billie into bed. She climbed in smiling still. Billie slowly put her arms around my waist and slammed her head on the pillow shaking the bed and making me laugh. I wish I could call her mine, I feel like I could fall in love with her.

After five hours of sleep I woke up to see Billie shirtless picking out a shirt from the wardrobe. She turned round and caught me staring at her and smirked.

"Hey y/n, you staring?"
"Um no, no im not I was just waking up."
"Chill it's okay, I touched your earlier so. It's only fair."

She walked over and placed her lips against mine, "uh I'm going to have when I have to leave, I dont wanna stop kissing your lips Bil."

She pulled me off the bed by the hands. "Get your fine ass dressed, we're gunna go dinner with my family!"

I groaned and bent down to my suitcase, I pulled out a few outfits and I asked Billie which one to wear.

"I say this one."
From behind she she pulled out a full GUCCI outfit. I stood there in awe.
"Billie what he fuck."
She giggle a little and handed me the outfit.
"Billie, don't spend money on me. You wear it!"
"Nope, I bought it for you. So you wear it, if you want. I can take it back if you don't like it."
"No no I love it I just feel bad."
"Shhh no, no."
I smiled and walked to the bathroom. I put on the outfit and let my hair down, the playboy necklace was still dangling around my neck, It went well with the outfit anyway.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw the look on Billie face when she saw me, she was so happy.

Billie pov:

I'm falling in love with her, like hard. She looked so effortlessly beautiful and such an amazing person. Really hot aswell.

"Okay you ready to go?"
"Um yeah, what place are we going to?"
"The Italian restaurant down the street. My parents and Finneas are already there."

We walked to the restaurant not holding hands or anything like that. It was a small distance but I dont want my fandom to be questioning things or the paparazzi.

Finneas was outside taking photos with a few fans and walked over to us, soon followed by the fans who I also took pictures with.

"So I guess the suprise worked out well then y/n?"
"Yeah, you should of seen her face!"
Everyone looked at me smiling.
"I'm so glad your back thoo!!"

After ten minuets with talking to everyone, we went inside. We got our own private room because we didn't want to be mobbed while we waited, my mom and dad were already sat down.

My mom stood and walked over to y/n pulling her in for a hug, soon followed by my dad.
"So I'm guessing the suprise went well?" My mom said as she lifter the menu off the table.
"Yeah, it was a nice reunion." I smiled and kissed y/n on the head and we sat down next to eachother.

Our dinner started arriving, me and y/n was sharing a vegan pizza. It tasted amazing, better than what I expected. My parents were talking to y/n most of the dinner, me and Finneas were looking at eachother motioning to the fact they were getting along really well at the moment.

As I was eating a slice, I felt her warm hand gently hold my thigh. She started slowly sliding upwards and we made eyecontact. The convosations continued in the background and y/n took her hand off smirking, she knew what she just did. I'll get her back tonight.

Lol the next chapter is gunna be great. 👩🏼‍🦯

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