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Y/n pov:


I loved teasing her. The way she looked at me while I held her thigh, her eyes glaring at me as a warning. I loved to see her not in power, it felt great.

I placed my hand on her thigh again sliding up once more. Billie kept eye contact with her parents as they talked, I didnt stop rising higher, untill I reached her underwear.

My finger slid inside of her and she turned to look at me. I slowly started moving my finger in and out as Billie slightly adjusted in her seat. She gasped under her breath as i started moving faster and faster still only with one finger.

"Billie are you okay?" I asked smirking a little as I continued to finger her under the table.

"Mhm fine. Just bit my tounge that's all."

I pumped faster and I felt her walls start to tighten. I slowly added a second finger causing Billie to gasp again.

"Goodness Billie stop biting your tounge!!" Maggie said laughing a little.

"Oh no I just caught my skin on the chair."

Billies hand grabbed mine, pulling my fingers out of her. She looked at me as I placed my fingers in mouth, she dropped her jaw then cleared her throat.

"Um we probably gotta get home, y/ns probably jet lagged still."

"Oh don't worry Billie, im perfectly fine!"
I laughed slightly under my breath.

"Y/n sweetie you need rest, Billie you should take her home." Maggie smiled as Billie reached her hand down to help me up.

I'm excited to see what she'd do when we get back.

We walked out of the restaurant and Billie leaned over and whispered in my ear.
"What was that babe?"

I turned my head and slowly kissed Billies lips only for a second.

"You've really outdone yourself, now I gotta return the favour."

She held my hand and basically dragged me down the street to our hotel, Billie stood in front of the elevator ready for the doors to open. Soon after she guided us both into the empty elevator. As the door closed she pulled me in closer by my back, Kissing me harshly. Our toungs met as Billies hand tightened on my back, our boobs were pressed against eachother. It was evident Billie wanted to get to our room because as soon as the door opened she disconnected out lips and walked through the corridor to our room.

Billie got her keycard out her pocket and beeped it on the door, the door opened and Billie pushed me inside and slammed the door shut. She pinned me up against the wall by my waist and slowly went to my ear and whispered, "your gunna be punished for teasing me all day."

My stomach errupted in butterflys and I could feel Billis lips press against my neck. Her hot breath contacted my skin making me groan a little. Billies hands slid under shirt, her cold hands chilling my hot skin. She took her lips of and looked me into the eyes asking for permission, I nodded very eagerly, I need her. Billie took of my shirt viciously and kissed me with more passion than she's ever kissed before. My hands tangled in her hair as I ripped her shirt off, leaving us both in our bra. Billie picked me up by my thighs and walked me over to the bed, gently placing me down as we continued our kiss. Her fingers slid down my trousers, leaving me laying only in my underwear. I pulled Billie ontop of me so our skin was mostly touching. I climbed ontop of her, taking off her shorts and continuing the kiss. Billies hands gripped my waist and flipped us over, she disconnected our lips and looked at my face and slightly smirked. Slowly, she kissed my neck. Gently moving downwards to my bra. Billie slipped her hand underneath the wiring feeling my exposed boob. I quietly moaned in my mouth as she removed her hand and slid her hands behind my back and unclasped my bra. She slipped it off my shoulders and threw it somewhere on the floor. Billie continued to massage both of my exposed boobs and my nipples began to harden. She harshly kissed them untill I started moaning a little louder. I reached up to the back of her bra and unclasped it, soon after throwing her bra somewhere. I stared at her boobs as he continued to kiss my nipples, I felt her moan into my chest, turning me on even more. Her kissed continued but slowly went down my torso to my underwear, I felt her hot breath hit my core as she slid my underwear down my legs. Billie began to circle my clit as I began moaning a little louder, not caring who heard me. She sat up and kissed me as Billie continued to massage my clit. I moaned into her mouth causing Billie to moan back. My hands slipped down her underwear making it so both of us were naked on her hotel bed. Billie detached our lips and looked me in the eyes as she slid a finger inside of me. I gasped as I watched her look for my reaction. Her finger went in and out slowly suprised on how wet I already was. I breathily told her to speed up, but all she did was smirk and slowed her pace down even more. I gripped to sheets and arched my back off the bed, her hand pushed my stomach down. I was sexually frustrated. Untill she added another finger i moaned Billies name and that caused her to pick up the pace. I felt my walls tighten around her finger, she felt it too as she added a third finger inside me. I flipped us over so I was ontop riding her fingers slowly. My hand reached behind me, slowly starting to circle Billies clit as I massaged one of her boobs.
Billie held my back with one hand flipping me back to the bottom, she bent down still inside me and whisped in my ear. "Not tonight baby, I'm punishing you remember?"
She looked down on me again with my mouth wide open from moaning, Billie kissed me a she sped up her pace. My hands held her boobs as I felt a knot form in my stomach.
"Hold it."
My eyes widened as Billie began circling my clit still fingering me.
"B-bil I c-cant hold it."
"Yes you can and you will."
My moans filled the room as I held in my orgasm. She kissed down my torso and grabbed my legs and threw them over her shoulders. Billies took out her fingers and licked up my slit, her moans vibrated around my body making me feel even more close. Her tounge went inside of me slowly circling around, hitting my g spot. Billie slipped her tounge out still circling my clit.
"Let it out baby."
I released my orgasm making me moan again as my juices went all over the sheets. Billie cleaned me up with her tounge and climber up to kiss me.
I could see how wet she was as she sat up looking at me. I wrapped my legs around her waist and slammed her head down. I was still exhausted from my orgasm, so I couldn't do as much as she did to me. I slid my fingers down her slit and gently fingered her for only a second. I took them out and aligned our clits, I began grinding our cores together and Billie moaned turning me on once again. We continued for another five minuets and I saw her back begin to arch. I felt the knot return in my stomach, we both released out orgasm at the same time, allowing our juices to mix together.

We flopped back on the bed, out of breath and very sweaty.
"That was the best sex I've ever had Bil."
She laughed and kissed me gently on the lips.
"I could get used to that." Billies hand wrapped around me and hugged my bare body. I fell asleep with her hand on my waist and her body pressed against me.

Okay umm yeah. So that happend. Anyway hahaha I guess I'll start writing the next one 😇✨

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