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On today's news, it has been confirmed that (y/n) Jones will be taking the female lead role in All Things Are Black and White.

You jumped off the couch screaming. Your friend, Hannah, came running around the corner completely confused. Her red wine moving back in forth in her glass almost spilling out as she ran. "What is it?"

"The Russo Brothers finally confirmed I got the part. I GOT THE PART!" You screamed.

"Are you serious?"

You turned your phone around to show Hannah the post the Russo Brothers just made. Her face lit up with each word read.

"Oh my God babe, congrats." She hugged you with her wine arm away from you. "What's the next step?"

"I don't know. I'll have to wait to hear from them or something. I just can't believe I landed my first big role."

"Do you know who you're working with? It's a love story so hopefully your co-star is hot." Hannah winked at you.

"I have no clue, but that's not the point. I just can't believe that this is really happening. I need to celebrate."

You ran to your room to quickly change out of your pajamas and into something cute. You grabbed your wallet, your ID, and your purse ready to go. Hannah was still standing by the couch waiting for you to come back.

You grabbed her wine and placed it on the table. She tried to grab it back, but you went behind her to push her towards your room. You rummaged through your closet and started to pick out different outfits she could wear.

"I thought tonight was a girls night in. You know drink wine, face masks, movies?" Hannah looked through your selected items.

"We can do that any other night. Tonight we're going out, so get dressed."

It didn't take Hannah long to get ready, but for you it felt like the seasons were changing. Your giddiness was getting the best of you. You wanted to scream, jump, spin, whatever it took to get your excitement to cool down. When she finally came out, you barely gave her anytime before pulling her out the door.

Both of you took off down the busy street of Los Angeles. You knew she already had a glass of wine, and you were definitely going to drink tonight so there was no since in driving.

You and Hannah stood in line for one of the many L.A. nightclubs. Crowds of people stood in front of you, all waiting to get in. The bouncer was checking to see if people were twenty-one or not. It was fun to watch him cut up the fake IDs.

Hannah was growing impatient. She was tapping her foot with her arms crossed. "Can you just tell them your last name. Please?"

"No. I don't need people knowing I'm here. Could you imagine my parent's faces seeing their "alleged" daughter out partying."

Both of your parents were highly known actors. They met on set and instantly hit it off. They described it as sparks flying when they first kissed. They knew then that they were meant to be. In just a year they got married and had your brother, Ian.

Ian was their star pupil. He grew up being a child actor. The world loved him, and still does. Ian this, Ian that was all you heard growing up.

When you were born, your parents tried to make you go down the same path he did. Only problem, no one hired you. Soon your parents gave up and put all their focus on Ian. It was nice sometimes, growing up in your brother's shadow. You had less stress on your shoulders than him.

Not being a star like your parents or brother had its pros. The light was off of you, so many people didn't know who you were. People didn't even believe your parents had a second child. You could go out and do what you wanted without being bombarded by people. You got to have a normal childhood unlike your brother. However, when your friends from school came over they thought you were the maid's daughter. You never told them different.

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