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"Welcome back!" Davis was the first one to greet you when you made it to set. He had two coffees, one for you and one for him.

"I missed having a friend around." You hugged him and took the coffee.

As both of you sat down in your trailer, Davis crossed his legs and leaned in towards you. "So give me all the tea. Did you two hook up?"

You almost chocked on your coffee, but you kept it down. "No we didn't hook up. We still don't like each other, but you can't say a word of that to anyone."

A face of disappointment was all Davis was sporting. He was hoping for more to happen between you and Tom. "That sounds depressing. Then what did you do all five days with each other."

"Mainly ignore each other. A couple arguments here and there. We did go to a party one night though."

"Yeah, the Russo's found out about that. You can't take somebody well known to a party and not expect it to get out. However, I didn't know you went."

"I did. Tom's girlfriend got me to go."

Davis's eyes went wild. He finally had some gossip. "Girlfriend? Who is he dating?"

"Remember that extra that he took to dinner, but I ruined it by telling the press where he was?"

Davis was intrigued. He was nodding his head to every word you said. "Yeah."

"Her. She came by the house often."

"Did Hunter find out?"

"I don't think so. She was never there when he came."

"Well did anything happen at the party? Any good stories there?"

You chuckled thinking back. "I fell into the pool. I was on the phone with my friend, drunk mind you, and I slipped. Also it didn't help I had heels on."

Davis gasped. "You poor thing."

"Tom helped me out then took me to the upstairs bathroom-"

"Where you two made out."

You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help chuckle at your friend. "No Davis! He got me a pair of clothes then we went home. He did get onto me for walking around an open pool when it was freezing out. Other than that, end of story."

Davis sat back, he was displeased with how yours and Tom's solitude went. You bit your lip, wondering if you should tell him the one thing that came to your mind.

He pointed at your face like he just realized you were the person to eat his last slice of cake. "You're hiding something. Ooo you better tell me."

"I think Hannah would really like you. You two would get along great."

"Come out with it."

"There's nothing to tell. I thought one night he was going to kiss me, the night after the party. We were in the kitchen, he backed me up into the fridge. Turned out I was just in his way. The next day he went back to being a complete ass. I think I was still messed up to actually see what was going on."

"You should've just went for it."

"What? No, no, no, no. We hate each other. He was trying to rattle me."

Davis took a sip of his coffee but kept his eyes on you. "Whatever you say. I'm rooting for you two."

You were about to explain there was no chance that you and Tom would be anything ever, but a knock interrupted you. You opened your trailer door where a production assistant was standing.

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