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You wiped your eyes and ducked your head under the covers. The bright light coming from your window was too much for you right now. You sniffed once, then twice realizing something did not smell right. That smell, was you.

You groaned and slowly raised up. You looked down at a green sweatshirt and grey sweatpants that was not yours. Your body smelt like chlorine mixed with alcohol.

You threw your legs off the bed, but the motion was too fast so you had to sit and close your eyes. Inhale then exhale. You mustered the strength to get up and shuffled your way to the door.

The house was quiet. Tom's door was shut. You made your way down the stairs, slower than what a grandma could move. You poured yourself water and shuffled over to the couch. Your eyes have been closed, not liking how bright everything seemed to be.

Tom came prancing down the steps. A little pep in his step if you will. He was moving much faster than you and being very loud. He started whistling as he opened every curtain in the room.

"Tom, Tom, hey you. I'm gonna need you to shut up."

Tom chuckled. "Someone isn't feeling good."

You rolled your eyes. "I feel awful."

"Maybe drink less next time." He walked away whistling again as he started to make breakfast, just for himself.

You shuffled back up the stairs to get away from the annoying man. You decided to try and sleep some more. The shower could wait until you could stand without feeling like you were using all your energy.

A little beat was drummed on your door. You didn't open your eyes even when you heard the door open.

"See, she's under the weather right now. I wouldn't bother her."

"She looks..... dead." By that voice, you knew it was Hunter.

"It's probably contagious." Tom shut your door, leading Hunter away. You continued to sleep until he opened your door again. "You just made me spend almost an hour convincing Hunter we did not go out last night, that you just somehow got sick here."

You only hummed in response. Your arm was hanging off the bed. There was definitely drool on your pillow.

"Get up its almost two, and you smell."

Your eyes opened to see Tom leaning against your door frame. His arms were crossed and he looked disappointed in you. "You were nice to me yesterday, sorta. I've never seen you be nice so I'm guessing that's what it was."

Tom scuffed. "I'm nice."

"Doubtful. You only seem nice to others." You closed your eyes before lifting yourself off the bed.

"Maybe you just infuriate me."

"Ditto." You grabbed clothes and underwear before getting face to face with Tom. "You're in my way."

"I'm sorry, your majesty." Tom stepped back with a bow as you passed.

"Have I ever told you I hate you?"

"Hmmm, but I hate you more."

You smiled with your back towards him. "Good. At least we're on the same page."

Something was different though. The mood shifted or something unrecognizable was not the same anymore between you two. You ignored those thoughts by locking yourself in the bathroom to take a shower. You felt better than you did this morning, but still not 100%.

When you looked in the mirror, black mascara was smeared down your cheeks. Lipstick was smudged by your lips. You rolled your eyes that this is how Tom has seen you.

You stood under the water longer than you should've. Your body didn't want to leave the warmth to go back into the cold that was the bathroom.

Tom banged on the door. "There better be hot water when I get back."

Get back? "Where are you going?"

"Going for a run. I'll be back in an hour or so."

You were surprised there was no sarcastic remark or anything to that answer. You were prepared for him to make some kind of joke about you being a jealous "girlfriend" wondering where he was going to be.

You reluctantly stopped the water to get out. Your skin had red marks from how hot the water was. Steam surrounded the room, fogging up the mirror. You put on comfy clothes and stepped out of the bathroom.

While still not in the mood to want to do anything, you plopped onto the couch. A fuzzy blanket was wrapped around you. Your hair fell behind your shoulders with one strand falling in your face. You had on glasses as you read your script.

Tom came back later. His grey shirt perfectly showed each and every muscle. His curly hair was a mess. He was holding one earbud while the other still played music in his ear. He grabbed a water bottle and started to take a sip before looking at you.

Feeling like you were being watched, you matched his stare. Both of you were just looking at each other. He took one step towards you, but you looked down back at script. He stopped coming towards you and went up the stairs. You looked back up watching him take each step.

You contemplated what that was about, what he was going to do or say. No answer came to mind so you continued reading until the moon replaced the sun. Tom must've stayed in his room after taking a shower.

Ready to call it night, you went to turn off the kitchen light. As you turned around, Tom was behind you, making you jump. He took a step towards you, which you responded with a step back. This continued until your back was against the fridge. His face leaned close, one move and his lips would be on yours. He looked you up and down, making your heart race. You were hoping he couldn't hear how fast it was beating.

Tom's hand slid down your arm. He watched as it made its way down to your hand. "Am I making you uncomfortable, darling?"

His touch sent a shiver down your spine. You gulped. "No."

There was a moment of silence between you. You had no clue what was going to happen next. A weird gut feeling told you not to move. You didn't understand what was going on or why your body wasn't telling you to punch him.

His eyes traced all the way back up to your eyes. He leaned in before hesitating and pulling back. "Well you're in my way."

Tom grabbed your shoulder and pushed you to the side. Your eyes shot wide trying to figure out what just happened.

What. The. Fuck. Was. That.

Tom's POV

I came back from my run. (Y/n) was on the couch with her script on her lap. She mouthed the words of her lines to herself. A strand of hair kept falling in front of her face. I wanted to go over there and push it behind her ear.

When she looked up at me, I stopped controlling my body. I started walking towards her until she looked away. That's when I regained my composure and decided to run up the stairs. Something was going on and whatever it was, it needed to stop.

I took a cold shower to purge all weird thoughts and decided to hide in my room. When it started to get late, I needed a glass of water. (Y/n) should either be on the couch or back in her room.

I opened my door to see hers opened with the light off. The bathroom door was open with no one in it. She was still downstairs. The couch was empty, confusing me. The kitchen light went off signaling her location.

She turned around and jumped when she saw me. I backed her up into the fridge, not fully understanding what I was doing or what I was going to do. I knew what I wanted to do, but that was a crazy idea. However, I didn't stop my hand from skimming over her soft skin.

She started to breathe hard and it took everything within in me to not do what I wanted right then and there. I pushed her to the side and grabbed a glass of water. I didn't look back at her as I went back to my room calm and causal. When I was out of her sight, I rushed in my room. I put my glass of water down before falling onto my bed covering my eyes.

What. The. Fuck. Was. That.

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