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Smut Warning:)
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Things around set had a weird tension after that dinner. Tom always had some sort of smirk going on as if he knew something you didn't. But what also changed was you. Knowing him and Alexis weren't back together, and that lid popping off, you didn't feel like you had to put space between you and him anymore. No more restraints had to be made.

You, Tom, Hannah, and Davis all sat in the hotel lobby around one in the morning. It was quiet, no one else was down there besides the receptionist. The four of you were becoming a small group that was fun to be around. Everyone really bonded as the days passed.

Tom and Davis were sitting across from you and Hannah on the couch. Hannah watched as you stared at him. You couldn't help but watch his smile whenever Davis said something funny. His curls were unruly since he didn't care to fix them.

"(Y/n/n)?" Hannah whispered.

You moved your attention away from Tom to focus on your friend. "Yeah?"

"You like him don't you?"

You scuffed. "What? No."

Hannah rolled her eyes, annoyed once again you wouldn't admit it. "You're such a liar."

"Don't say stuff like that with people around. They might hear you and get the wrong idea."

"You'd be so much happier if you just admitted it." Hannah stopped whispering on purpose hoping one of the boys would comment on it.

"Admit what?" Tom asked.

"Nothing." You sent a glare towards Hannah who smiled proudly at herself.

Davis yawned, stopping Tom from what he was about to say back to you. "I can't stay up any longer. My eyes are not wanting to keep open. Goodnight guys." He waved goodbye as he headed over towards the elevator.

"You know, I think he's right. It's getting late. Goodnight you two." Hannah sent you a wink.

The little voice in your head repeated the word liar over and over knowing full well she could stay up until six if she wanted to.

"How's um, the other film going?" You broker the awkward silence after the two left.

"Good. They had to move things around so I could be here. I'm going to be busy when I get back."

You nodded your head, unsure what to say next.

"Anything going on with you?"

"Just auditioned for a role. Supposed to hear for callbacks soon." You said it all way too quickly.

Now Tom nodded his head, unsure what to say. "I think I'm going to call it a night."

"Me too. I'll go with you."

You followed Tom towards the elevators and silently rode up to your floor. There was still no talking as you both walked out and headed down to your rooms. Your rooms happens too be opposite of each other.

"Goodnight Tom."

"Goodnight (y/n)." He swiped his card over the door and it clicked open.

You were about to do the same thing when you turned around to stop him. "Tom."

He turned around already halfway through his door. He didn't say anything when he saw the look on your face. Instead, he slowly walked up to you. You took a step back now with your back against the door. Your breathing picked up at his sudden closeness. Your eyes flickered between his eyes and his lips. He caught on, doing the same thing to you.

Without thinking, you let your body act on its own accord. You leaned forward, letting your lips attach to his. His hands grabbed your hips, slowly raising up to your waist. You arms snuck around his neck, and your hands started playing with his hair. He moved his lips down to your jaw, following it until he landed on your neck. You let out a small moan as you closed your eyes.

You reached into your pants to grab your room key, but then you remembered Hannah was in there. "Tom?" He broke away slightly, worried he did something wrong. You were smiling thinking about how cute he was. "We can't go in there. Hannah is with me."

Tom grabbed your hand and walked you to his side and unlocked his door. He pulled you inside, still not letting go of your hand. He led you to his bedroom where you didn't waste another minute before resuming where you two left off.

Tom's hands slid down to your thighs."Jump."

You jumped letting your legs wrap around him. You could already feel how hard he was becoming. You decided to grind down onto him, and took a deep breath not expecting that. His hands stayed on your thighs as he walked you backwards towards his bed. He laid you down gently and took his shirt off. You marveled at how toned he was. He smiled as he watched you admire him.

Slowly, Tom leaned back down over you, cupping your face to kiss you. You started to push yourself backwards, not breaking the kiss, so he could climb onto the bed with you.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked as he stood back up.

"Yes." The word came out breathlessly wanting him to just get back on top of you.

Tom didn't take another minute to climb back over you. He lips attacked to yours and he put his hands under your shirt. You hooked your leg around his so that you could roll him over, letting you now be on top. You sat up, straddling him. His eyes watched as you grabbed the hem of your shirt and slowly lifted it off to give him a show. Now it was his turn to marvel at you.

He watched his hands as they slid up, grabbing onto your waist. They continued on up, stopping just below the clasp of your bra so he could look at you. You nodded your head giving him permission to take it off. He took his time, slowly sliding it off of your arms.

"You have no clue how long I've wanted to do this to you." He voice was low, with a husky sound to it.

He had no clue how long you wanted this. You leaned down, kissing his neck as a response. Tom raised himself up into you, loving the feeling of you against his skin. You had to hold back a moan from feeling him rub up against you.

You started to kiss lower and lower, going all the way down to his waistband. You slowly slid your hand down under his pants to slide your hand along his length. Tom's breath hitched in the back of his throat.

"That's it." Tom flipped you back over.

He ripped off both of yours pants. He leaned down to kiss you before lining himself up with you. Your whole body was excited and craving him. Your heart was pounding in two places in anticipation. Without warning, he dove into you getting a slight gasp from you. He started off slow, waiting for you to adjust before picking up his speed.

You held onto his back with your legs wrapped around him. He pulled out before thrusting back into you making you arch your body into him. Your head tilted back as you said his name. Tom had one arm beside you to support his own weight while the other slid up to your breast. He slowly massaged it as his mouth attached to the other. Your hands found their way to his soft, curly hair. He moaned against you as you gripped onto him.

Tom finally moved back up to kiss you as he continued to thrust into you. Small moans and gasps kept leaving your lips against his.  You could fill your stomach start to bunch up into a knot. Tom started to pick up his pace, giving you exactly what you needed. You bit down on your lip hard trying to not scream as you felt a sudden release. Tom was becoming sloppy signaling he was right behind you.

He slowed down and rolled over to lay beside you. Both of you were panting while looking up at the ceiling. You rolled over and he moved his head to look at you. You placed a hand on the side of his face before kissing him. He kissed you hard, which made you smile against his lips.

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