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Ever since you and Tom kissed, your agreement to act like you liked each other no longer felt like it had to be acted. You stopped calling him vermin, he was being politer. It was good to finally be okay with the person you've been with now for two months. Only one more to go.

Production was about to move to Florida for the ocean shots that were left to do. Some people were officially done with their roles so they would not be coming with the actors and crew. To celebrate what has been accomplished so far, the crew were going out to eat.

You had already been dressed and ready to go. You were just waiting on Davis. He wanted to pick you up at your door before riding over to the restaurant together. There was a knock at your door, who your presumed to be Davis. Luckily, he was not done with his role yet meaning he was coming to Florida with you.

Davis gave you a low whistle so you did a tiny spin. "Someone looks too good to be going out with us. You need to change or you're going to make the rest of us look bad. This is just a causal dinner you know, right?"

You chuckled. "Yes and I'm dressed causal. I just did my hair and makeup because I had nothing else to do while I waited for you. What took you so long? Hair wouldn't flip the right way?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. But I'm here now. You ready, Milady?" Davis raised his arm out for you to grab ahold of.

"Let's go."


You and Davis were one of the first few to arrive. They placed all of you in a private room, but there was an open archway that let people see who were in that room. Everybody greeted you two kindly with some hugs and heys. You looked around, but Tom hadn't arrived yet.

There were definitely people trying to discreetly take pictures of the table you were at. The discreetness wasn't so discreet when people started freaking out over something. There was shouting and people were standing up from their tables asking for a picture or an autograph.

You leaned over to get a better view. Tom had just walked in greeting everyone who came up to him. A waiter got in the way and asked everyone to back away so he could lead the man to his table.

Nerves kicked in unexpectedly. You sat up straighter and fixed the silverware beside your plate that didn't need any fixing.

Davis snorted. "Oh no, I think the napkin might be a little crooked."

You looked at the napkin and pulled at a corner to fix it. "Better?"

"It was never crooked. Why are you being weird."

You put your hands in your lap. "I'm not being weird. I'm fine."

Tom walked in, but he stopped under the archway that leads into the room. He turned his head back towards the way he just came and put an arm out. Alexis ran and caught up to him. She grabbed his arm and giggled as they entered the room together.

You slouched and kicked Davis's leg as he started to chuckle. "Shut it."

"(Y/n), you look ravishing." Alexis bent down to hug you where you were sitting.

"Look at you. I didn't know I would be seeing you tonight."

She sat down right beside you. "We discussed skipping so we could enjoy our last night together before he leaves for Florida, but I told him he should be here tonight. That way he can say goodbye to everyone that has finished."

"Very kind of you."

Tom sat down in front of Alexis. "Long time no see Jones."

"I know. Crazy right? Almost like I didn't see you yesterday."

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