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You swatted your hand at the noise coming from over you.


"Go away." You mumbled.

A finger started poking your cheek. "Get up."

"No." You rolled over to face away from the noise.

"(Y/n) (y/l/n), get your ass up off of this couch right now." A pair of hands grabbed your arm to roll you back over, but you instead rolled over onto the floor. You looked at Tom who was laughing at you. "About time you got up. We're about to shoot the next scene. Your power nap is over."

"I'm going to count to three. If you're not out of my sight by the time I get to three, I'm going to kill you. One."

Tom just stared at you, waiting to see what you would actually do.

You tilted your head. "Two."

Tom seemed a little uneasy.

"Three." You stood up, but Tom took off running out of your trailer. You chased him around as he starred pushing things down for you to trip over.

People all around stopped what they were doing to watch what was happening. There were a few production crew members who yelled at you two for making a mess.

Tom ran straight towards the set where you two were supposed to be anyway. He looked back for a second, which made him trip over a cleaning bucket. You were laughing as you were running that you were starting to get side stitches. You decided to run past him, no longer trying to catch him, and get to set first. Tom reached out his hand and grabbed onto your ankle. You toppled over, still laughing.


"What?" Tom chuckled. "There was no game to cheat, you were just chasing me."

You shrugged your shoulders. "Eh. I changed my mind after you fell."

"It actually really hurt."

You raised your head off the ground to look at Tom. He was looking up at the sky pretending to be in pain. "Baby."

"Now is not the time for pet names (y/n)."

You sat up and pushed his head. "I was insulting you."

Davis walked up on you and Tom. He was headed to set, but stopped when he saw two bodies randomly on the ground. He stared in silence trying to figure out what actions caused this. "There's too many." He said before walking off.

You and Tom both laughed. He stood up first, reaching a hand down to help you up. Both of you tired to wipe off the dirt so that the clothing crew wouldn't yell at either of you.


Makeup crew was retouching your makeup before filming started. Davis looked around to make sure no one was looking at him besides you. He put a leg up on a table and started twerking with a hand in the air. You started laughing making your makeup artist look behind her. Davis instantly put his leg down and pretended to look interested in the table.

Tom was holding a wooden box. Inside was a key that got inside a room that held many secrets of the government. In reality, the room was full of a lot of empty scrolls. Davis was holding position, ready to walk in on you and Tom. He was being put into a stunt harness. His character, West, was a traitor to his people by helping Amber and Jack. This was Tom's first in-person interaction with his character. You already had one run in with him.

The word action was called. Tom opened the box that you both looked in awe of. He took out the key and walked to the room. He unlocked the door to see shelves full of rolled up scrolls with sealing wax.

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