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You stepped out of the car and took a deep breath. Sweet, sweet Atlanta. You were back doing some reshoots for All Things Are Black and White. Hannah wouldn't leave you alone about how you were gonna see Tom again. It annoyed every nerve in your body. After that night at the birthday party you made the decision to move on from your silly little crush. Alexis was who he was with, and you couldn't change that.

Luckily, if all things go to plan, you'd only be here for a week. Davis was coming back as well, which you were excited for. Hannah decided to come with you. She wasn't allowed to come onto the sets because they were scared of spoilers, but she still wanted to come.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the famous Davis Manson in the house." You called out as Davis stirred his coffee.

"When did you get here? It's been so boring without you?" Davis put his mug down to hug you.

"I just stepped foot here."

"Good to know you have your priorities straight by coming to me first before all else. But I would like to know who this fine woman is. I'm Davis." He put a hand out to Hannah to shake.

"I'm Hannah. Heard a lot about you from this one."

"So have I. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"So gentlemen like Davis. Didn't know you had that side to you." You laughed and all headed to get yourself a cup of coffee. "Is you know who here?"

"He's not Voldemort. He's not he who must not be named. It's Tom."

"Technically Voldemort's name is Tom. Tom Riddle to be exact."

Davis rolled his eyes. "You're not living in the Harry Potter world (y/n)."


"What are we talking about over here?" Tom spoke up from behind all three of you.

His voice made you jump and spill your coffee on yourself. "Shit."

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Hannah handed you a bunch of napkins to wipe off the hot liquid that was on your shirt.

"I'm sorry Jones, didn't mean to frighten you."

With your back still turned to him, you rolled your eyes. You poured yourself some more coffee and creamer before turning to face him. "Davis, Hannah, and I were having a conversation. We should get to work now, don't you think?"

Davis's eyes widened, confused where the sudden sass came from. Last he remembered, you and Tom were on good terms. You grabbed Hannah's arm to lead her to your trailer so you could get changed.

"What was that about?" Tom asked Davis who no longer had you beside him.

"I'm not sure. I was going to ask you that."


Hannah stayed at your trailer and roamed around as you acted. You didn't speak much to Tom, you only said your lines and what was necessary. He was confused the whole time why you were acting the way you were acting.

"Are you okay?" Tom grabbed onto your wrist as you tried to walk back to your trailer.

"I'm fine. Just gonna go get Hannah so we can go out tonight."

"Have I upset you?"

"Not at all." You were trying so hard to keep things sealed, to not let any old feelings creep their way back up on you. You knew they would all flood back if you didn't keep a tight lid on them. You turned around and continued back to Hannah as quickly as possible.

The two of you went to your hotel room that you were sharing. You got ready and headed out to a restaurant you grew fond of from the last time you were in this state.

Davis showed up a few minutes late. "Sorry ladies. When I went to go get Tom, he wasn't dressed yet."

You eyes shot behind Davis where Tom had a smirk. He sat down beside you and put an arm across the back of your chair. "My fault. Didn't realize we were all going out."

Hannah stared in awe. He was so beautiful and she wanted so badly to reach out and touch him to see if he was really real. "I'm Hannah. We've met before, but I don't exactly remember it..." she trailed off embarrassed to mention that part.

"(Y/n)'s friend. I was at the birthday party (y/n) said you planned. It was lovely."

Hannah's cheeks became a rosey color fast. "I'm sorry, I must have missed you. (Y/n) never mentioned you were there. Actually, (y/n) never mentioned she went." She stared you down wanting to know why she didn't have this information.

"I went. I didn't feel well after a while so I decided to go home." You shrugged your shoulders. You then took Tom's sleeve and moved his arm away from behind your seat.

Tom smiled amused. He was thinking about something, but he wanted to prove his thoughts were right first. "You looked fine to me."

"I'm an actor. I'm pretty good at acting." You gave him a tight lipped smile while staring back at his calculating eyes.

"Alexis was there too. You missed saying hi to her." His amused smile started to grow as your face betrayed you. You were trying to act cool, as if what he said didn't matter.

Hannah and Davis both straightened up at the name Alexis. Tom didn't know Hannah knew who Alexis was, but she did from everything you've told her. Her and Davis knew you liked Tom, but Alexis was in the way even though you never actually admitted your feelings to either of them.

"I know, I saw her. Helped you play your bit to make her jealous, remember?"

"That was not my bit. That was all yours. My goal wasn't to make her jealous."

You blinked trying to understand what he was saying. Hannah and Davis very slowly turned to look at each other. Both of their eyes were wide while keeping their mouths shut. They were thinking the exact same thing.

"Well, either way it worked. You two were having a nice chat when I left." You tried so hard to not let jealousy seep through your words.

He leaned down closer to your face. "Would you believe me if I said we were talking about you?"

There it was. The stupid lid wasn't shut all the way. It popped open letting your feelings flood your brain. You kept your composure, not exposing what was truly going on inside of you. "Why would you be talking about me?"

Tom shrugged, his thoughts were correct. He no longer felt the need to continue trying to make you break. He sat back up, putting the space back between you two. "I don't remember why anymore."

Your eyes shifted around his face trying to figure out if he was lying. The little voice inside your head kept asking why he was talking about you to Alexis.

"Anyway. They have some really good soup here." Davis cut in, trying to break the tension.

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