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Last day of Don't Scream finally arrived. Timothée, Andi, and Sage already had their last days on set, but they came back today to watch the end product with you and Audrey.

Tom was standing with Andi. He went back to London after staying with you, but tomorrow was the press tour so he came back a day early to watch your final day on set.

While you were acting like you were in pain from the knife Audrey stabbed you with, she was giving you her speech about everything your character has put her through. She pushed you to the ground and straddled you. She pulled the knife out of the prosthetic wound causing fake blood to fall out with it.

You smirked as she raised the knife above her head. "Do it."

Right as she started to move her arms down, everyone started cheering and clapping. The last scene to be filmed was finally over. There was nothing left for you or your castmates to do but wait for the finished product.

Audrey helped you get up and gave you a hug before being swarmed by the whole crew. People were rolling in a massive cake to celebrate the end of such hard work. They had you, Sage, Andi, Audrey, and Timothée all hold onto the knife with one hand to cut the first slice together. Tom was standing on the other side of the table smiling at you as he clapped his hands.

"First slice goes to you." You handed the plate over to Audrey. She was annoying when you first met her, but over time she wasn't too bad.

"As it should." Audrey took the plate out of your hands and walked away. She still had her moments, but you learned it was better to just let it be.

Your back was turned toward Sage when he tapped on your shoulder. As you spun around, he slapped a piece of cake onto your face. It slid right off onto the ground leaving you with white icing all over your face. He was bent over laughing while pointing a finger at you. Everyone was taking pictures, enjoying his prank.

You swiped the icing and cake away from your eyes. You took one charge at Sage and he jumped behind Andi. Andi looked between the both of you before side-stepping out of the way. She didn't want any part of you revenge.

Timothée was laughing as he saw your face. He stepped in front of you to stop you from attacking Sage. He swiped a finger along your cheek before licking the icing off of it. "That is some good cake. Let me have some more."

You stepped back laughing while holding his hand away from your face. "Get your own."

Andi watched Tom cross his arms and look away from you two. She jumped in between you and Timothée, becoming fully pressed against the both of you. "I'm sorry. The only one who gets to eat (y/n)'s cake will be me."

Before you could understand what she meant, she maneuvered around to lick the entire side of your cheek. She turned her head back around to smirk at Timothée, clearly stating her dominance. He stopped trying to take the cake off your face, now disgusted that it has Andi's saliva on it.

"I think I will get my own now." He stepped away heading towards the table.

"That was hot." Tom pointed at you and Andi.

"More action you get in a week I bet." You smiled proudly.

Andi smiled at Tom before going over to the table to get a piece of cake for herself. She wanted to let you and Tom be alone.

"I don't know what the poor cake did to deserve to be wasted on you."

"Do you want some of it? I'm so willing to share because I'm just kind like that." You smirked as Tom kept taking steps back away from you.

"I'm fine. Thank you for your generous offer."

You used your hand to wipe off as much icing as you could. You picked up your pace to jump at Tom and slather it onto his face.

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