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"Okay, have a nice drive back." Tom waved goodbye as he shut the door on Hunter.

Tom pulled out his phone, typing away quickly. Whoever was on the receiving end was responding just as fast by how many times his phone kept beeping.

You went to go change to workout. You wore warm clothes since the temperature had decided to plummet today. Plus, it was better than sitting around doing nothing all day. Again. There wasn't any equipment in the house so you ran around in the neighborhood. When you came back you did a few ab workouts in your room until a car pulled up in the driveway. You looked out your bedroom window seeing it was the same car from yesterday. Alexis.

You took out one headphone watching Tom go outside to greet her. He kissed her cheek before leading her inside. Great, so vermin's little play thing is over, meaning you get to be ignored by two people now instead of one.

Another run kept sounding better and better in your head since it got you away from the house. However, as you thought, running got you places quicker so you decided to just walk to waste more time. You prayed that the next couple of days would just pass you by. It's day two and you were miserable.

When you made it back to the house, you walked inside quickly with a shiver. Tom and Alexis were on the couch watching a movie with his arm around her shoulders. They had a blanket covering up their legs. Her makeup was all done and hair was curled. You had a ponytail with hair sticking out flying everywhere. Attractive.

You walked past both of them to take a warm, long, steamy shower. The heat felt good against your cold skin. Steam filled up the entire bathroom making it look like a sauna. You took the time to shave your legs and put lotion on them after. You wrapped your hair in your towel and grabbed another one to wrap your body in.

As you walked out the door, Alexis was just walking up the stairs. You tried to make it to your room as fast as possible, but she called your name right before shutting the door.

"How can I help you, Alexis?"

"Tom and I are going to a party tonight and we were wondering if you'd like to join." She gave you a sweet smile. It was hard to not like this girl because she seemed so kind.


"Me I guess. I don't want you to have to be stuck in this house alone tonight again. Thought maybe some people and drinks would entice you to come."

You looked back into your room where your bag was. "I don't think I have any party attire."

"It's okay! You can borrow something of mine. I couldn't pick what I wanted to wear tonight so I brought a few different outfits with me to choose from."

These different outfits were all mini dresses. Definitely not appropriate for the freezing temperature that was just outside. Alexis was excited that you agreed to come. When it was time to get ready she ran straight to your room. She talked and gossiped with you the whole time she put her makeup on, which was weird to you because you've never had a conversation with this girl in your life before today. Now here she is telling you about how Jessica slept with Walker who is Hailey's sister's Abigail's boyfriend now ex.

You just nodded your head and thought what in the world did Tom see in her. Yes she was gorgeous, but she seemed like she was in high school even though she's already graduated. She was nice at least.

Alexis made you try on the green mini dress. It was skin tight, but at least it was the only one with long sleeves. The color was a nice complementary to the winter month. You put on some black heels, knowing for a fact you would regret it later. Alexis braided and curled your hair. She applied your makeup because she sat there and argued with you on how she knew the perfect look to go with your dress. You caved and just let the girl do it.

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