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The drive back to your house was silent. Tom was in your passenger seat, not speaking a word. He left while you were filming and came back when you were wrapping up.

You pulled into your driveway, yawning since it was getting very late. Tom followed you inside, taking everything in for the first time.

"Welcome to my humble abode. I'll give the house tour tomorrow. Your room is right here." You tapped on the door that was across from yours.

"Thanks." Tom was about to enter but you stood in front of it, blocking his way. "What are you doing?"

"What's up with you?"

"I'm tired."

You squinted your eyes. "You sure that's all?"

"Positive. Now can I go to sleep?" He showed his teeth acting like he was just smiling really badly.

You chuckled and pushed his face to the side before sliding away from the door. "Goodnight."

"Night (y/n). Don't dream of me."

"I hope I haunt your dreams." You flipped him off without looking at him. You shook your head with a smile before shutting your door.


Tom walked into your kitchen yawning. He stretched his arms before dramatically falling over onto your table. He was bent over with his arms spread out. His face was pressed against the hard surface.

"Good morning to you too." You laughed flipping the pancakes you were cooking.

He grunted, not being able to form any words.

"Did you not sleep well?"

"Traveling is exhausting." His words were mumbled from not moving his head off the table.

"But it's fun." You placed a plate in front of him.

Tom slid into a chair, rubbing his eyes. "Can I come back to set when I get done with my meetings?"

"Yeah. I'll tell them you're coming so you don't have to pretend to be an extra."

"I wonder what lie I could come up with today if you didn't. I like a challenge."

"I would like to see you get escorted off the premises if they realized you were lying. I might not tell them I have a visitor."

Tom looked up at the ceiling as he thought of new lies. "Could say I'm your brother."

"That's weird. Don't do that." You scrunched up your face thinking about Tom being your brother when you may or may not have feelings for him.

"Could say I'm a new assistant director. Could say I'm your assistant."

"It's probably going to be the same person when you walk in. They're going to recognize you from yesterday."

"Yeah, you're right. How late do you have to stay today?"

"To unholy hours. I don't have to go in for a while, but that just means we're probably going to be there until sunrise."

"What are you filming?"

"We didn't finish the whole scene from yesterday. You would've known that if you didn't randomly disappear."

Tom stabbed his pancakes with his fork. "The same scene?"

"Not all of it, but yes."

"Going to kiss Timmy Thee again?" 

You snickered, using your hand to block your mouth as you chewed. "Timothée, and no. That part is done. I think. You're cute when you're jealous."

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