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(Y/m/n) = your mother's name

Today you woke up refreshed, happy, excited. The alarm hadn't even gone off yet because you woke up thirty minutes early. It was one of those mornings where you knew today was going to be a good day.

Having some extra time, you started your day off with yoga. A nice way to relax before your busy schedule starts. The sun was shining proving to be a beautiful day. Birds were chirping their songs, not aggravating you in the slightest. You took a deep breath before getting up to go catch your ride to set.

As you got to set, you went straight to the catering van for breakfast. People were chattering, some telling funny stories, others talking about their characters.

You grabbed a plate when the man behind the table handing out food said, "Good morning (y/m/n)."

Your eyebrows drew together. You looked to both of your sides to see your mother, but she was not there. You pointed at yourself and the man nodded his head with a smile.

"Did you forget your name? Silly. Here have a biscuit."

You let him place a biscuit on your plate and you started to walk away before turning around one more time to give him an odd look. Why did he call you your mother's name? Did he know who you really were?

You took a seat when Joe stopped by your table. "Enjoy your breakfast (y/m/n), we have a busy day today."

You were about to say something back, but he walked away before you could. Again, confusion swept over you. You tried to shake it off, but now two people have called you the wrong name. They shouldn't even know who your mother is because you haven't told anyone. You haven't even told anyone your real last name.

Still disturbed, you finished your breakfast and headed off to get dressed. This was the first real shooting day for a couple of scenes. As you got to your trailer you saw that the name on the door had changed. Instead of (y/n), it was (y/m/n).

"Not funny." You spoke out to yourself.

"What's not funny?" Davis had walked up behind you.

"That." You pointed at the name change on your door.

"Your name? I don't see what's funny about it."

You glared at Davis knowing he was playing dumb. "Seriously. Who did this?"

Davis let out a little laugh. "Sorry (y/m/n), I got paid to keep my lips sealed." He pretended to lock his lips and threw away the key before walking off.

You let out a groan before walking inside to get ready.

Getting ready didn't take as long as you thought it would, probably because it was a basic look for the scene today. You decided to go to the set and see everything before you started acting. Seeing the set ready helped you get in character for what's going on in their world.

"You're already here." You jumped hearing Anthony speak out of nowhere.

"I am."

"Good. We're just waiting on Tom then." Joe said.

Speaking of the devil, Tom walked right in after Joe took a seat in his director's chair.

"Let's get this show, or should I say movie, on the road. Tom..." Anthony looked at his brother with an unsure look. "What was I supposed to call her again?" Joe leaned over and whispered in Anthony's ear. "That's right. (Y/m/n), start on the blue X."

"Oh come on. You too? Why?" Defeated, you walked to your blue X.

Tom had a small smirk that you would definitely be questioning him about after you two were done.

Take after take, Joe and Anthony finally seemed to be pleased with the outcome. They told the both of you to head to your trailers and wait for the next scene set up. During the time, you and Tom would both be in wardrobe changes.

Tom with his head high walked beside you to your trailers.

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing." Tom's smile felt off. He was too happy to be heading to his trailer for a break.

You ignored his smiley self and continued to walk to your trailer.

Before reaching your door, Tom looked at you and said, "Have a nice break, (y/m/n)."

You grabbed the neck of Tom's shirt and walked him towards an empty space where no one was around. "What's up with the name vermin. What do you know?"

Calm and collected, Tom leaned forward close to your face and whispered, "I know who you really are."

You let go of his shirt and took a step back. "Who am I really?"

"(Y/n) (y/l/n). Your brother, Ian, is huge. Not as huge as your parents though. So what did you do? Got them to make a call so you could be in this movie?"

"You're despicable."

"Why are you using a different last name?"

You crossed your arms. "Why does it matter?"


"Well drop it."

Tom took a step towards you. "Oh darling, I will find out." He walked away without another word back to his trailer.


Tom walked onto the next set still in his chipper mood. Somehow the emotion rose to an even higher level if that was possible.

"You look sad (y/m/n), cheer up." Tom pushed both sides of your lips up to form a smile.

You pushed his hands away from your face. "I'll cheer up tonight when I'm away from you."

"Away from me? But I'm such a joy to be around."

You scuffed. "Said who?"

Tom crossed his arms and looked proud. "Alexis. She's an extra I ran into during lunch. I'm taking her on a date tonight."

"Poor girl. She doesn't know what she's getting herself into."

Tom rolled his eyes. "There's nothing she's getting herself into. I'll be in a disguise, I already found a quiet restaurant down the street from where we're staying. It'll be a fun night."

"Are you trying to convince yourself or me? Because I could care less what you do or where you go with Alexis." You patted Tom's shoulder. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get in place."


The day was coming to an end, and you couldn't wait to go back to your room. You walked out of your trailer with your bag on your shoulder ready to go to your car. As you took a step out you saw Tom and who you presumed to be Alexis giggling as they walked towards the parking lot. They were shoulder to shoulder laughing, seeming to be having a good time.

You turned to shut your trailer door and saw your mothers name again. A chill of annoyance ran down your spine. In anger you called Hannah. 

Before she could greet you, you cut in. "I need a favor."

"Tell me what you need."

An evil grin crossed your face as you knew what you had planned for Tom and his date tonight. It wasn't out of jealousy but out of revenge for today.

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