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You arrived at the address Sophie gave you yesterday. You stared at the building as you sat in your car with your hands on the steering wheel. You watched the people enter, trying to see if you recognized any of them. Nervousness and excitement shot throughout your body as you grabbed your script and made your way inside.

People were chatting and laughing as you stood by yourself. You didn't know who to go talk to. You also didn't want to interrupt other people.

A few people introduced themselves and let you join their conversation. You stepped away after a while trying to go find your spot at the tables. You found your place card along with four others. From yesterday you could tell the story revolved around five friends who got into something they should've left alone.

You read one name, Sage Travis. You were about to read another one when a pair of shoes stepped into your personal space. You looked up from the ground to see a man with a messy mop of curly hair on his head.

He was smiling and put a hand out to shake. "Hi. I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Timothée Chalamet."

You knew who he was already, but you weren't going to say that. You took his hand and shook it. "I'm (y/n) Jones."

"It's nice to meet you."

"I didn't know you were in this."

"Yeah, I wasn't going to at first, but they fixed some things around so that I could."

Oh, you thought, so he's the one they moved production for.

"I-" "I-"

Timothée laughed. "You go first."

"I was just going to ask who do you think out of the five are going to make it? Not all five friends are going to survive."

"You don't think so?"

"No. That's unrealistic, not to mention lame. Someone has to go."

"What if it's you?"

You thought about it for a second. "If it is, it better not be because of something dumb like running towards the noise in a pitch black forest."

He smiled at you, thinking you were funny. "Then what's a nondumb way to die?"

"Fighting for my life is a good way to go. But I'm sad that we don't know who it is. They cut out some scenes."

"They probably didn't want anything to get spoiled, or they haven't finished it yet. Personally, with what we have from the script right now, I don't think it's you. But then again that's how most books or movies go. The character you love the most ends up dying to inflict the most emotions from the audience."

You looked at him surprised. "You read?"

"Love to read."

You were going to say something until the director interrupted telling everyone to take their seats for they were about to begin. Timothée, when no one was looking, moved the place cards so his would be beside yours. You laughed at him as he used his finger to shush you.

A girl with red hair and green eyes took her seat that was beside yours. Her place card read Andrea Grace. You were going to introduce yourself when break started. She sent you a smile before looking back at the director who was still standing. She seemed friendly.

Everyone took their seats as the director went over how today was going to go. He mentioned when they have reached the middle of the script, there would be a thirty minute break for food and water. He even discussed what the movie was about along with the people who helped make it happen. Then, he released it to the actors to start their reading.

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