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You stood outside a house you've never been to before. You pulled out your phone and FaceTimed Tom. It rang for a little bit before he answered.

"Hello?" Tom asked tiredly. He rubbed his eyes, not opening them fully to look at his bright screen.

"Are you asleep? It's noon."

"Noon? It's noon here in London. It should be uh, four in the morning where you are. Why are you calling me so early? Wait, are you outside? Shouldn't it be pitch black?"

You turned the camera around to show Tom his own house. He jumped out of bed and sprinted outside. He was only in his socks and boxers when you saw him open his door. He wrapped you in his arms and lifted you up. He spun you around smiling like a child.

"What are you doing here? Oh my god."

You were laughing as he put you back down. "Surprise."

Tom wrapped you in another hug fully surprised. "I can't believe you're here."

"I'm really happy this is your house or that would've been awkward."

"Let's go inside." Tom grabbed your hand and pulled you through the front door.

"My question is why were you sleeping in until twelve?"

"I was out last night with my brothers. You have to meet them." Tom looked down at your other hand that was empty. "Where's your stuff?"

"Oh, it's at the inn I'm staying at."

He looked at you confused. "Why are you staying at an inn?"

You looked at him equally confused. "Because I need a place to sleep?"

"I have a guest bedroom. You should stay here."

"I was not going to show up here as a surprise then command a room. It's too late anyway. Already paid for it."

Somebody opened Tom's door and walked in. He had a paper bag in his hands. He walked past both of you and into the kitchen. You were trying not to laugh at this random stranger.

"Uh Haz." Tom waved his hand to get his friends attention.

Harrison looked up with half a cookie hanging out of his mouth. He grabbed the cookie and put it down. "Hello."

"Haz, this is (y/n). (Y/n), this is Harrison or Haz."

Harrison pointed at you but was looking at Tom. "Is this... you know?"

Tom walked quickly to his friend with warning eyes. "Yep. Yep. (Y/n). Just (y/n)."

Harrison pushed Tom out of his way and walked up to you. He put a hand out. "Pleased to finally meet you, just (y/n)."

You shook his hand with a soft laugh. "Nice to meet you Harrison or Haz."

Harrison smiled back at you. "How long are you planning to stay."

The question seemed to peak Tom's interest as well. He stopped looking inside the paper bag Harrison had with him to look at you.

"Just a few days. Not that long."

Tom tried to hide his disappointment by looking back down inside the paper bag. He was trying not to get his hopes up about anything.

"We're going to his family's home soon, will you be joining us?"

You looked at Tom not sure if this was an adequate invitation since it was from his friend and not from him. He was too busy tearing up Harrison's food to notice.

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