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Somehow the past three months have flown by. You worked on stunts, studied lines, broke a few props, got drunk with Davis and sang karaoke. But today was your last day of shooting. Only one last scene you had to complete before your part was done.

You and Tom were sitting in an office room, waiting on your ride to head to the beach. That was where your last scene was going to be. You both were dressed in your character's outfits and had your makeup done. You had a few fake scrapes and dirt was all over your face.

Tom was being restless, not being able to sit still. You were sitting in a chair with your feet on the table while being on your phone. You didn't pay attention to his pacing.

There was a yoga ball sitting alone in the corner. Tom had the bright idea to sit on it and bounce around the office. You were trying to ignore him, but the constant noise of the ball hitting the ground kept you from being able to focus.

"Tom, can you be serious?"

Tom put a straight face on, but he continued on bouncing. "I'm completely serious."

Hunter knocked on the door before walking in. "Evening. The car is outside and ready for you."

Tom stopped bouncing and headed out to the car. You sat beside him in the back. You looked out the window looking at the approaching water. The sun was close to setting, but it wasn't there yet.

The beach was covered in props of spears and fallen down trees. The production crew had to bring in tress and place them how they wanted to. The scene was showing the end of the war where your character finally gets to rest after winning. The production crew were going to set the trees on fire, but they were waiting for you and Tom to arrive first.

Joe and Anthony called everyone around. People showed up who weren't even needed today, but they wanted to see the last shot of the movie they have been working so hard on. Even Rosalina, the lady who wrote the book that the movie is based off of, showed up.

Joe cleared his throat after everyone gathered around. "Welcome everyone. Thank you all for being here. As you all know, this is Tom and (y/n)'s final day on set. With that said, this is also the last shot of All Things Are Black and White."

Anthony smiled with a hint of sadness before speaking. "We have all worked so hard to bring Ms. Rosalina's vision to life. After spending three months together, we have become a family. I couldn't have had a better crew to work with so thank you."

"And we couldn't have had better directors!" You shouted out.

Everyone clapped and cheered to your statement making Joe and Anthony smile.

"We don't have a lot of time to get this shot. Let's get this started." Joe called out before showing Rosalina to her chair.

Makeup crew came up to add fake blood to your face. They also made sure to make some of your scrapes look red and angry. Production crew went around with a blowtorch to set the trees on fire.

You started a little back away from everything. Three cameras surrounded you, to get every possible angle. Anthony called out action so you started walking out towards the water. You looked at the fires burning and paused with your eyes closed. You took a deep breath before continuing forwards to sit just above where the water was hitting. You sat in silence with a face of relief that the war was over.

The cameras panned over towards Tom. He was standing where you started at. With no words, he slowly made his way to you and sat down. He looked at you, trying to figure out what was going on in your brain. Finally, he looked at the water with you.

"West didn't make it." You said quietly.

Tom looked at you shocked. His mouth was opened, but he closed it and put his head down.

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