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Your head was tilted back with your mouth wide open. You were waiting for your plane to board, but you passed out as soon as you sat down. The previous night you had been up late stressing about Ian's wedding tomorrow. Tom was going to be there, and man could you not wait to see him.

Hannah tapped on your shoulder a few times, waking you up from your nap. "The plane is going to leave you if you don't get up."

You jumped out of your seat and grabbed your bag. The corner of your mouth felt wet so you wiped it off before boarding the plane. Hannah let you have the window seat as you sat in first class. Her condition was that she would have it on the way back.

There was a screen in front of you showing a map. It had a plane at the airport where you were now and a circle where your destination was. Ian was going to meet you at the airport in London to pick you and Hannah up. He wanted to take you two out to eat to finally meet Paisley, his bride-to-be.

Hannah sat down after putting her carry-on bag in the storage above the seats. "If I don't find a guy at this wedding, I'm going to sue."

You chuckled as you looked through the pamphlet of what to do if the plane were to crash in the ocean. "Why do you want to find a guy here?"

"Weddings are the best place to find a guy."

"Almost everyone going is gonna be from London."

Hannah looked at you with a pointed look. "That's the whole point."

"So you want a long-distance relationship?"

"Who said anything about a relationship?" Hannah sat back in her seat. She put her headphones in as she played her music.

"Oh." You laughed as you put the pamphlet back into the seat pocket.

When you landed and picked up your bags, you found Ian who was holding a cardboard sign and flowers. Yours and Hannah's names were written out in large black letters.

"I hope you're hungry." Ian mumbled in your hair as you hugged him.

"Starving." Hannah answered for you as she took the flowers out of Ian's hands. "I didn't eat on the plane."

"Good. Paisley is already at the restaurant."

The three of you left together as you went to the restaurant. Paisley was the most beautiful person you have ever seen. She was poised with long blonde hair. Her nails were done for the wedding in a simple but elegant French tip style. You could see why Ian was taken by her. If he wasn't marrying her, you would.

The two didn't keep you and Hannah very long. They knew you were probably tired from the long flight. After the restaurant, you and Hannah went to the hotel that you booked for the couple of days you would be staying there. She had her own room and you had yours. It didn't take long for either of you to get changed and pass out of the comfortable beds.

The wedding was at three in the afternoon. You and Hannah started to get ready around noon to have enough time to be dressed and make your way to the venue.

You curled your hair in simple waves. Your dress was a long satin rusty orange color maxi dress. It went perfect with the tan that you were getting from filming near the ocean for so many weeks.

Hannah was blaring music as she got ready. She still hadn't put her dress on by the time you were ready. She was too busy dancing in front of the mirror to get dressed.

"Hannah, I'm giving you a ten minute time limit before I leave you." You yelled out over her music.

She twirled around and pouted. "I'm going to need like twenty."

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