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You woke up with a smile on your face. Thoughts from last night raced in your mind making you giddy. You kicked your feet in your bed and giggled.

You had to leave right after Harrison had interrupted you and Tom. Your cab had pulled up even though Tom insisted you to stay. The thoughts were there, but it was probably better if you had left.

Today, Tom wanted to take you out. He wanted to show you around, even though you've been to London before. Then tonight, his family was going to meet for dinner.

You got ready in your one bedroom inn. You had music playing off your phone as you sang along. The entire time you had a smile plastered on you face. A buzz lowered your sound as Tom had texted you saying he was outside.

"You take so long." Tom complained even though he was smiling while leaning against his car.

"You know, I think I forgot something." You pointed behind you back at the inn.


You laughed knowing you were just messing with him. "So where to first?"

Tom opened the car door for you to get in. "You're going to have to wait and see."


Tom drove you around to many different spots showing you his favorite places and where he grew up. You two were walking in a park where he had a blanket draped over his arm. You found a quiet spot under a tree where he put the blanket down for both of you to sit on.

You had your back against the tree and he had laid his head on your lap. You put your hand in his hair and started playing with it. He closed his eyes with a soft smile as he enjoyed the feeling. You softly laughed watching his expressions.

You took your hand away but he grabbed your wrist to put it back. "Don't stop."

"What do I get in return?"

Tom opened his eyes and leaned up to kiss you. You bent your head down not wanting to break the kiss as he laid his head back down. You both smiled looking at each other.

"I feel like I should fight for more, but that works." You resumed playing with his hair.

"I've decided that you need to stay for at least three weeks."

"Three weeks?"

"Who else is going to play with my hair?"

"Ha ha." You stuck your tongue out at him. "No other reason?"

"Nothing comes to mind." Tom shrugged his shoulders.

You laughed and looked around the park. The scenery was beautiful. You put your head against the tree while Tom was admiring you.

You looked down at him looking up at you. You smiled and laughed. "What?"

"You're beautiful."

You chuckled and put your head back against the tree. A small blush started to turn your cheeks pink. You and Tom sat underneath that tree for almost an hour talking like you've known each other for years. It was easy and never boring. The conversation just flowed.

Tom sat up after looking at his watch realizing the two of you were going to be late for dinner. Both of you had to leave even though neither of you wanted to. It was like the both of you were living in your own little world.

The whole car ride back, Tom was blasting music. He was singing along trying to get you to join. You laughed every time he looked at you and pointed, waiting for you to say the next line. You finally gave in, cringing at how bad it probably sounded.

Tom pulled into his driveway. He wanted to change his shirt after getting a stain on it earlier. You waited in the living room as he went into his room. The room was a little messy looking exactly like a guy's dorm room. You couldn't help but throw the trash away and tidy up the room.

Tom looked at you and laughed. "What are you doing?"

You looked at him with trash in your hands about to throw it in the trash can. You opened your hands letting the trash fall down. "Couldn't help myself. It was just sitting there, staring at me."

He laughed again and walked over to you. He kissed you once while grabbing both of your hands. You leaned back in to kiss him. Tom let go of both of your hands and grabbed the sides of your face. He kissed you over and over making you smile each time.

You were a giggling mess trying to pull away from him. "We're already late." Your words were mumbled due to him pressing your cheeks in.

"What's a few minutes more then?"

He continued kissing you, not moving his hands off your face. You grabbed both sides of his waist and finally pushed away. You grabbed his car keys and ran outside. Luckily, the house was only a five minute drive away.

Nikki opened the door looking disappointed at Tom, but she smiled once she saw you. "No reason to be standing out here, come inside."

You walked ahead of Tom as Harrison came around the corner with his arms crossed. "Why are you late? We're starving."

"Traffic." You blurted. It was the first excuse you could think of that didn't involve the park or him not wanting to leave his apartment right away.

Tom walked up behind you, placing a single hand on your back. Harrison smirked. "Hello traffic."

Tom looked at you confused but you shook your head. You followed behind Nikki and Harrison as they took their seats at the table. Everyone started making their plates and talked about their day. Nikki was asking you about how your tour was, but you decided to leave out the part about the park. That was just for you and Tom.

"So, (y/n), how was last night after I went to bed?" Harrison asked with a devilish look.

"She went back to Tom's last night?" Harry asked Harrison as he had a mouth full of food.

"Chew and swallow before speaking, Harry." Nikki shook her head with a laugh.

"Yes ma'am."

"Yes, (y/n) did go back to Tom's last night. They decided to make some tea." Harrison held out the word tea a little longer than it needed to be.

"Tom made tea. I got a cab and went back to the inn." You clarified to Harry.

"Tea is really good, isn't it? It's almost like you could... what's the word? Kiss it, if it were a person of course."

Tom kicked Harrison under the table. Everyone was looking at you wondering what in the world Harrison was going on about. You stared at him while taking a sip of your drink.

"I didn't know you felt that passionately about tea, Haz. I'm more of a coffee person myself." His teasing wasn't affecting you as you spread butter over your bread.

Harrison smiled, thinking this was a game and was going to get you to cave in front of everyone. "Coffee is okay. Nothing compared to tea. Coffee is... I can't make out the word in my mind. Bitter."

"Maybe you should add a pinch of salt. Helps with the bitterness."

"How about we stop talking about coffee and tea." Tom cut in.

Everyone nodded their heads around the table. Harry looked suspiciously between you and Harrison. You eyed Harrison as you took a bite of you bread knowing you weren't going to admit anything.


Also, (I CANT HELP MYSELF) but I started a new book even though I have two still not completed. I can't decide if I should go ahead and post it or not.

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