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"Tomorrow is the end of your tour. It's the big premiere night. What is the process like before you're all glammed up?" A shy interviewer asks across from you.

"Let me tell you. Tonight I will do an entire skincare routine. I will not be showing up with some pimples on my face. Lotion. Lotion. Lotion." Davis clapped his hands once each time he repeated the word lotion. "No flakes. Thanks."

"You're going to have to show me this skincare routine." You laughed as Davis started to go into more detail about his process.

"Do any of you have dates for tomorrow? Tom, there was a rumor that you were bringing your ex-girlfriend Alexis. Is this true? Did you two get back together?" The interviewer asked.

Your ears perked up at the mention of Alexis's name. This was the first you've heard about it. Tom never mentioned bringing a date to the premiere.

He shyly laughed. "No, but Alexis will be there. It'll be great to see her again."

"(Y/n)? Davis?"

"My boyfriend Marco will be there with me." Davis smirked thinking about Marco. He was a male model who was planning to fly in tomorrow.

"You'll just have to wait and see tomorrow." You winked at the interviewer. Hannah was supposed to be your date but she has a wedding to attend. It's a really big client for her.

"My money is on Timothée Chalamet. You two seem to be very friendly. Thank you for your time." The interviewer shook everyone's hands before leaving the room.

Davis's professional smile dropped and he slouched in his seat. "We only have two more to go."

You put your head on his shoulder, tired of feeling like you've been nonstop quizzed the past few days. "And they'll be more fun than these hotel conference room interviews."

"How did you know Alexis is coming tomorrow?" Davis slightly moved his head to look at Tom, but not enough to disturb you.

"Oh, we still chat here and there."

You kept your eyes trained on the ground pretending to not be interested in the conversation. Davis tried to take a peek at your face, but your hair was covering you.

"Is she bringing anyone?"

"Not that I know of. But she's been doing really well since filming. Going from an extra to acting in a tv show. Happy for her."

"You could text her and tell her you'll be here date. Ow!" Davis jerked his leg after you pinched him, but he crossed his legs and acted like nothing happened. "You two would be really cute."

Tom glanced at you before nodding his head. "We have about forty minutes before we leave. I think I'll go call her."

Tom got out of his seat and left the room, leaving you to sit up and glare at Davis. He chuckled at you but also scooted away from you.


"What? Did I upset you?" Davis frowned.

"'You two would be really cute.'" You mimicked him.

"It's not like you were going to ask him or make a move."

"Doesn't mean you should encourage other possible relationships."

"I was just trying to make you jealous, and it worked. Now you either have to do something about it or see what happens between him and Alexis. She is a really sweet person. Can't wait to see her." Davis winked at you before running away before you could pinch him.


"Hi, I'm Tom."



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