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You were walking in the house that was being used as a set. You were going back into place before filming the same scene you've been doing for the past hour. As you rounded the hallway, Timothée jumped out and scared you.

With your reflexes coming into action, you punched him hard in the gut. "What the fuck man?"

He was bent over with an arm covering his stomach. "You weren't supposed to hit me."

"I wasn't expecting you to jump out at me. It's your fault."

You walked past him and stood on your mark. Timothée shuffled over back to where he was supposed to be standing. Audrey was standing in the dark corner where they took out the lights earlier. She was covered in fake blood from head to toe.

Andi's character was hallucinating Audrey as a killer while the rest of you had to act like there was nothing wrong with Audrey. Before shooting started, Audrey let you and Andi drop the buckets of fake blood on her, which was fun. She chased both of you around trying to hug you after.

"Action." The director said.

You walked into the living room and sat beside Sage on the couch. He was going through the channels on the television trying to find anything to watch, but it was all static screens. Timothée sat on the floor in between your legs with his back against the couch. You played with his hair as Andi held onto the armchair for dear life. Her eyes were stuck watching Audrey looking creepy as hell. You, Timothée, and Sage all ignored her as if she wasn't standing in the corner.

"What is wrong with this place?" Sage threw the remote on the remaining free piece of couch that was beside him.

Andi whimpered as her eyes started to water. All three of you looked at her, acting confused about why she looked so scared.

Sage stood up and waved a hand over her face. "Cassie?"

Andi didn't respond to the hand waving in front of her. You and Timothèe both looked at where she was staring, pretending to not see what she was seeing. You were so happy the cameras were not on you right now because Audrey accidentally got the fake blood in her mouth and made a disgusted face. You had to suppress your laugh and swallow to make the smile go away.

Andi held her scared expression perfectly. She didn't break when she saw Audrey gag. Timothèe on the other hand snorted.

"Cut!" The director called out.

"Come on Timothée! I was doing so good there." Andi wiped under her eyes to get rid of her fake tears.

"Sorry." Timothèe raised both of his hands in the air.

Audrey tiptoed to her chair, making a trail of fake blood behind her. She went to down some water to get the awful taste out of her mouth.

"I thought you were going to rip into that chair." Sage sat back down on the couch.

"I think I did." Andi leaned forward to look at where her fingernails were digging into the leather. Sure enough, there were a few holes.

"We're going to do that one more time, maybe. Get back into places." The director fixed the screen in front of him that was letting him watch what the cameras were filming.

You walked in front of Timothée so he couldn't turn around and scare you. The makeup artists had to apply more fake blood to Audrey since the layer underneath was starting to dry up. The set people wiped the floor where Audrey's trail of toe prints were so they wouldn't show up on the screen.

Action was called out, making you repeat everything you just did. This time the whole scene finally got filmed, letting you all go on break.

Audrey was told she needed to get sprayed down and to take a shower. She stood outside standing like a starfish waiting for a lady to hose her down. This way she wouldn't get fake blood all over her trailer.

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