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The news travels fast when you're a known celebrity. You sat in bed with your Chinese takeout looking through your phone. Headlines all talking about Tom Holland out on a date with a new girl. How interesting.


"I need a favor." You paced back in forth in your room.

"Tell me what you need."

"I need you to get on any kind of social media and talk about Tom Holland out on a date. Tonight. I need it to grab a lot of attention that the paparazzi will show up."

"He's on a date? With who?"

"An extra in the movie. They just met today and he's already taking her out on a date."

"Well he definitely doesn't waste no time."

"Will you do it?"

You could tell by Hannah's voice she felt unsure by this. "Can I ask why?"

"He knows who I am. He paid people to call me by my mother's name all day."

"Did people realize?"

"I'm not sure. No one said anything besides him. All my hard work of making sure people didn't know who I was could've been flushed down the toilet by him."

"People are going to figure it out sooner or later."

You took a seat at the end of your bed. "I know, but I prefer later. I want to prove that I can do this on my own. I don't need my family's help in getting me places."

"Keep your laptop open, this won't take long." Hannah hung up the phone.


You knew then she was going to help you out. Not that you didn't doubt it before. Hannah was a celebrity party planner. She did weddings, birthdays, after parties, any kind of party you could imagine. It's actually how you two met.

Your parents wanted to have an anniversary party. They hired Hannah who did the job splendidly. You hid under a table that was covered with cloth while people were dancing. That's where Hannah found you. She laughed but kept secretly handing you snacks or drinks so you didn't have to move.

Being a celebrity party planner means you know a lot of people. You know the big names, their friends, their families. You know people who help you get what you need. Long story short, Hannah had many contacts. She could ruin a person's career by how many secrets she knows and how fast she can make it spread. Lucky enough for you, Hannah was not like that. It was unprofessional and could easily end her career as well.

However, Hannah would do many things for you and vice versa. So she did what she knew best. She texted a person she knew to be a huge gossip. A girl who is obsessed with Tom Holland and has her own blog on him. She would post at any time of the day if it was urgent enough to alert her followers. All Hannah had to do was say she heard a rumor that Tom had a new fling and that they're on a date right now. The girl knew Tom was filming so she knew his location. What the juicy gossip would be is who is this mystery woman. People would want to know.

The news spread like wildfire. All the people were commenting, reposting, making their own videos about the news. It did not take long for the paparazzi to pick up on it. They knew he had to be close to set so it didn't take long to find him.

You kept your laptop open, refreshing the page often. Finally it happened. Tom Holland and mystery women spotted on a date. Photos of the two were being posted. They have been found. You closed your laptop satisfied.


You didn't have to go to the lot as early today. Meaning you got to sleep in more, meaning today was a beautiful day. You evened out the score, you got to sleep in, now you get to play pretend for a job. Life was good today.

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